May 2000Vol. 1, No. 3Connect Online to Special Needs Adoption Professionals
Adoption professionals can connect to colleagues around the country through a special listserve maintained by the National Adoption Center ( This forum can be used to share information about any aspect of placing foster children into permanent adoptive homes, such as:
- Recruitment issues
- Preparation of children and families
- Interstate and interjurisdictional adoptions
- Post adoption supports
- Technological applications, e.g., email, Internet, video-conferences
Recent postings have included a request for post adoption support for a child with attachment disorder and a job announcement for a child and family therapist for a special needs adoption research program on fetal alcohol syndrome/drug effects. Subscribers have debated the efficacy of splitting up a sibling group of three simply because one of the children is diagnosed as RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) and is therefore "not bonding" to the adoptive family. In a discussion about the ethics of publicizing children, one worker shared a success story that resulted from featuring children on local TV.
The list is moderated by Sue Badeau, a veteran child welfare professional and Project Manager of "Adoption Technology for the New Millenium," a 3-year, federally funded project of the National Adoption Center. This project, which includes the Special Needs Adoption Professional (SNAP-Talk) listserve, will demonstrate how new technologies can be effective tools for finding families for waiting children. For more information, contact Badeau at 215-735-9988, extension 308.
To join the listserve, send an email to Badeau at: Please indicate "SNAP-Talk Registration" as the subject and include the following information in the text:
Your Name
Organization Name
Phone Number
email Address