November 2000Vol. 1, No. 7Representing Parents in Child Welfare Cases: A Basic Introduction for Attorneys
Rauber, D. B; Granik, L. A. American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law. 2000. 80 pages. $8.95 paperback.
When a child is removed from the home for protection from abuse and neglect, and reunification is not possible, the parents may find themselves facing termination of parental rights proceedings. This 80-page booklet is a general guide for the attorney who represents the parent(s) in these proceedings. It covers:
- The Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) of 1997
- The responsibilities and duties of the attorney
- Relevant laws and recent reforms
- The most typical terminology
- The essence of the court process.
A bibliography, Federal statutes and regulations, and other resources are included.
To purchase a copy, contact:
ABA Publications Orders
PO Box 10892
Chicago, IL 60610-0892
Phone: 800-285-2221