September 2000Vol. 1, No. 6More Findings from the Center for Family Life Study
The comprehensive evaluation of the Center for Family Life in Brooklyn, New York, was designed and implemented by the Center and three researchers from the Columbia University School of Social Work--Peg McCartt Hess, Brenda G. McGowan, and Michael Botsko.
Findings from this study are published in:
Preserving and Supporting Families Over Time: A Preventive Services Program Model. Hess, P.M., McGowan, B.G., and Botsko, M. Child Welfare. In press.
"Practitioners' Perspectives on Family and Child Services." Hess, P.M., McGowan, B.G. and Meyer, C.H. In Children and their Families in Big Cities, A. Kahn and S. Kamerman, Eds. Columbia University School of Social Work. 1996.
Nurturing the One, Supporting the Many: The Center for Family Life in Sunset Park, Brooklyn (title tentative). Hess, P.M., McGowan, B.G., and Botsko, M. Columbia University Press. Forthcoming.