January/February 2001Vol. 2, No. 1Our Own: Adopting and Parenting the Older Child
Maskew, T. Snowcap Press, Longmont, CO. 1999. 284 pp. $23.95. Hardbound.
When older children are adopted, they bring their past with them, including their experiences, personalities, and emotional baggage. The author combines research, personal interviews, and her own experiences to provide information for each of the participants in the process. Topics discussed include:
- Adoptee's advice to their adoptive parents
- Preparing siblings for a new family member
- Helping intercountry adoptees learn English
- Recognizing and addressing grief in adoptees
- Recognizing medical conditions
- Coping with behavioral problems
Agencies and adoption professionals may find this book useful for alerting prospective parents to the realities of adopting an older child.
To purchase a copy, contact:
Snowcap Press
PO Box 123
Longmont, CO 80502-0123
Phone: 877-561-5922
Fax: 303-265-9606
Email: info@snowpress.com
Website: http://www.snowcappress.com