July/August 2001Vol. 2, No. 4Family-Centered Policies and Practices: International Implications
Analyzing the critical juncture of family-centered policy and practice, this book places the universal institution of the family in a global context. By including a conceptual framework, as well as practice components, the authors offer an original multimodal approach toward understanding family-centered policy practice from an international perspective. They provide grassroots strategies for activists and practical guides for both students and practitioners, and include cutting-edge interpretations of the impact of globalization on families, social workers, and other helping professionals and advocates.
In their examination of the world's families, the authors make four basic assumptions:
- Many families in the world are in danger or experiencing crises.
- Crises and endangerment erode individual and family well-being.
- It is possible and desirable to prevent these crises, dangers, and declining well-being.
- Crises, dangers, and declining well-being are opportunities to act strategically, especially to invent innovative, more effective, family-centered policies and practices.
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