July/August 2001Vol. 2, No. 4Promoting Resilience: A Resource Guide on Working With Children in the Care System
Gilligan, R. British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, London, United Kingdom. 2001. 73 pp. $16.63 (11.95 GBP). Paperback.
Resilience is defined as a set of qualities that helps a person withstand many of the negative effects of adversity. Resilient children overcome adverse childhood events and do better in life than they might be expected to do. The three dimensions of resilience are overcoming the odds; sustaining competence under pressure; and recovering from trauma. For children in foster care, resilience-led practice values placement stability; continuity in meaningful relationships; and the child's understanding of what is happening in his life. Hobbies, friendships, and opportunities for the child to take responsibility and make decisions also are valued highly. A partnership between child and caretaker, based on these values, provides the child with a secure base, a sense of identity, increased self-esteem, and the ability to persevere.
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