September/October 2001Vol. 2, No. 5ABA Center Clarifies Management Program for Children's Social Security Benefits
The American Bar Association's (ABA's) Center on Children and the Law, in conjunction with the ABA's Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly, has produced a pamphlet on the Social Security Administration's Representative Payment Program as it affects children who are in the juvenile/family court system.
Early in the history of the Social Security Program, a system was created under which "representative payees" are appointed to receive and disburse Social Security benefits on behalf of beneficiaries who were not able to manage their own financial affairs, due to mental or physical incapacity or young age. There are currently 3.7 million children under RP management, comprising the single biggest category of beneficiaries in the program (approximately 57 percent).
Intended as an aid to judicial personnel and judges and attorneys, the publication contains an overview of the Representative Payment Program, information on case law and legal issues, and "best practice" concepts. As stated in the Foreward, the purpose of the pamphlet is to "explore and enhance coordination, communication, and mutual assistance between State court systems and the Social Security Administration's Representative Payment Program."
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