January 2002Vol. 3, No. 1Federal Government Plan Aims to Streamline Federal Grant Process
A governmentwide effort to streamline the Federal grants process for States, universities, businesses, and other grant recipients will stress the need for a simpler, cost-effective process that takes advantage of current technology.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), led by Secretary Tommy Thompson, is leading the Federal Grants Streamlining Program. HHS awards approximately one-half of the $325 billion in grants available annually from more than 600 Federal programs administered by 26 Federal agencies.
The Federal Grant Streamlining Program is composed of the Grants Management Committee (GMC) and five interagency work groups:
- Pre-Award
- Post-Award
- Audit Oversight
- Electronic Processing Group
- General Policy and Oversight Team.
Reflecting a partnership between the Federal government and the public, the initiative seeks to enhance grants programs performance, reduce administrative costs, and conserve resources.
Aims of the initiative include:
- Greatly reducing the required data and information necessary for grant applications and reports
- Presenting information in easy-to-understand language
- Reducing reliance on paperwork by incorporating technology and electronic processes, while still accommodating groups that lack access to technology
- Conducting business consistently among similar-serving programs by obtaining input from affected stakeholders.
The initiative also will incorporate successful components from previous initiatives of agencies and interagency groups.
Secretary Thompson last May released a preliminary plan on implementing the initative. To read or download the initial plan in PDF format visit http://www.hhs.gov/grantsnet/pl106-107final.pdf
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Read the Children's Bureau Express article "Grantwriting for Children's Advocacy Centers in the September/October 2001 issue of Children's Bureau Express.