October 2003Vol. 4, No. 8Conferences
14th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
Couldn't make it to the 14th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in April? Saw a great session, and wish you could remember whom to contact for more information? Check out the new resources available on the conference website (http://nccanch.acf.hhs.gov/profess/conferences/cbconference/index.cfm). Materials are now available for more than 40 presentations, as well as transcripts and streaming videos from most plenary sessions. Presentation abstracts and presenter contact information also are available for all sessions.
Upcoming national conferences on adoption and child welfare through January 2004 include:
November 2003
- National Youth Summit (Family and Youth Services Bureau; November 6 through 8, Washington, DC; http://www.ncfy.com/summit 2003).
- Children's Rights Council 14th National Conference "Effecting Positive Outcomes for Children" (November 7 through 8, Hanover, MD; www.gocrc.com).
- "Lifelong Connections in Adoption" (Adoption Knowledge Affiliates; November 7 through 8, Austin, TX; www.adoptionknowledge.org/confer1.htm).
- "Tools that Work: Improving Child Welfare Services Through Research, Performance Measurement, and Information Technology" (CWLA Walker Trieschman Center; November 12 through 14, Miami, FL; www.cwla.org/conferences).
- "Shared Connections: Bringing Birthmothers and Adoptive Mothers in Open Adoptions Together" (Insight: Open Adoption Resources and Support; November 13 through 16, Higgins Lake, MI; http://openadoptioninsight.org/shared_connections.htm).
- American Public Health Association's 131st Annual Meeting and Exposition (November 15 through 19, San Francisco, CA; www.apha.org/meetings).
- Federation for Children's Mental Health 15th Annual Conference "Families Deserve the Best … Promising Interventions and Best Practices for Serving Children with Mental Health Needs" (November 20 through 23, Washington, DC; www.ffcmh.org).
December 2003
- First Annual Trauma Treatment Clinic (American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children; December 1 through 5, Lahaina, HI; www.apsac.org).
- Zero to Three's 18th National Training Institute (December 5 through 7, New Orleans, LA; www.zerotothree.org/nti00/index_main00.html -- this link is no longer available).
- Putting it Together Seminar (Independent Living Resources, Inc.; December 9 through 12, San Diego, CA; www.ilrinc.com/eposter/productdetail1.asp?catalogID=238).
January 2004
- 18th Annual San Diego Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment (Chadwick Center for Children and Families; January 26 through 30, San Diego, CA; www.charityadvantage.com/chadwickcenter/2004conference.asp -- this link is no longer available).
Further details about national and regional child welfare conferences can be found in the "conferences" section on the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information website at http://nccanch.acf.hhs.gov/profess/conferences/index.cfm.
Further details about national and regional adoption conferences can be found in the "conferences" section on the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse website at http://naic.acf.hhs.gov/general/conferences/index.cfm.