April 2004Vol. 5, No. 3Conferences
Upcoming national conferences on adoption and child welfare through July 2004 include:
- Finding Better Ways 2004 "Responding to the Changing Faces of Residential Services" (Child Welfare League of America; May 3 through 5, Atlanta, GA)
- 34th Annual Education Conference (National Foster Parent Association; May 10 through 15, Orlando, FL)
- Family Support America's 10th Biennial National Conference (May 12 through 15, Chicago, IL)
- Teleconference: Implementing a Program-Wide Anger Management Intervention (Walker Trieschman Center-CWLA; March 25)
- "Spreading the Magic of Prevention" (Prevent Child Abuse America; May 16 through 19, Disney World Resort, FL)
- National Foster Care Conference "Footsteps to the Future" (Daniel Memorial Institute; June 3 through 5, Jacksonville, FL)
- National CASA Conference (National CASA Association; June 5 through 8, Washington, DC)
- 2004 Conference on Family Group Decision Making "From Margin to Mainstream" (American Humane; June 6 through 9, Harrisburg, PA)
- 7th National Summit on Fatherhood (National Fatherhood Initiative; June 7 through June 9, Atlanta, GA)
- APSAC Forensic Interview Clinic (American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children; June 14 through 18, Norfolk, VA)
- Training Institutes 2004: Developing Local Systems of Care for Children and Adolescents with Emotional Disturbances and Their Families (National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health; June 23 through 27, San Francisco, CA)
- Victimization of Children & Youth: An International Research Conference (Family Research Laboratory; July 11 through 14, Portsmouth, NH)
- National IV-E Training Conference "Weaving Resources for Better Child Welfare Outcomes" (University of Oklahoma/School of Social Work; July 12 through 14, Santa Fe, NM)
- Putting the Pieces Together: 1st National Conference on Substance Abuse, Child Welfare and the Dependency Court (National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare; July 14 through 15, Baltimore, MD)
- Foster Family-Based Treatment Association's 18th Annual Conference on Treatment Foster Care (July 18 through 21, Nashville, TN)
- 67th National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference (July 18 through 21, Portland, OR)
- 30th Anniversary NACAC Conference "30 Years of Celebrating Families" (North American Council on Adoptable Children; July 29 through 31, Minneapolis, MN)
Further details about national and regional adoption and child welfare conferences can be found in the Conference Calendar on Child Welfare Information Gateway: www.childwelfare.gov/calendar