June 2004Vol. 5, No. 5SAMHSA Hosts Webcast on Grant Application Process
Through its various Centers, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) sometimes provides funding for projects that focus on the overlap of child maltreatment and substance abuse or mental health. On April 6, SAMHSA hosted a webcast to provide interested organizations with information on its grant application process. The webcast described the two types of documents necessary to apply for SAMHSA funds:
- Standard Grant Announcements--the basic instructions for each of SAMHSA's grant programs.
- Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)--issued when funding becomes available under one of the Standard Grant Announcement areas. A grant application cannot be submitted until a NOFA is issued.
View the complete webcast, or download a transcript, on the SAMHSA website at http://grantstraining.samhsa.gov (Editor's note: Link no longer active).