April 2005Vol. 6, No. 3Guidelines for Caseworkers' Family Access and Visitation
Recognizing the importance of caseworker visits to families and children, the Child and Family Services Division of Olmsted County, MN, has developed a 47-page guide for such visits. While regulations for visiting vary among jurisdictions, this guide provides basic information that caseworkers around the country may find useful.
The Visitation/Family Access Guidelines: A Practice Model for Social Workers discusses such issues as visitation and contact with children who remain in their own homes as well as children who are placed in out-of-home care. Other topics include:
- Written visitation and contact plans
- Documentation of visitation
- Who may participate
- Frequency of visits
- Responsibilities regarding visits
- Quality of visits
- Right to contact
- Where and when visits should occur
- Visits after placement occurs
- Supervision
- Visiting in specific situations
The full text is available through the county website at http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/groups/county_access/documents/pub/dhs_id_048528.pdf (PDF - 2,161 KB).