July/August 2005Vol. 6, No. 6Youth Who Sexually Offend
Clinicians, juvenile justice workers, and other professionals who work with juvenile sexual offenders will find a range of information in a recent volume of the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. Volume 13 (No. 3/4) focuses entirely on children and youth who commit sexual offenses and includes information on research, statistics, models, treatment, and therapy. Articles address the following topics:
- Subtypes of juvenile sexual offenders
- Interviewing strategies with youth who sexually offend
- Working with parents of sexual offenders
- Cognitive behavioral treatment in a collaborative outpatient program
- Multifamily group therapy
- Current practices in residential treatment
- Recidivism of youth sexual offenders
Articles from this issue of the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse are available for purchase from Haworth Press. Find information about the journal and tables of contents at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wcsa20/current#.U3F4G86tKyc.
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The topic of youth who commit sexual offenses was covered by Children's Bureau Express (http://cbexpress.acf.hhs.gov) in "Treating Youth Who Sexually Abuse: An Integrated Multi-Component Approach" (November/December 2001).