November 2006Vol. 7, No. 8Postadoption Services Among Private Agencies
The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) conducted an Internet survey of its private agency members in April 2006 to determine how many offered postadoption services and what types of services they offered. Of the 95 agencies that responded across 39 States, 94 percent reported providing some types of postadoption services. The most common services included:
- Support groups
- Crisis intervention
- Child and family advocacy
- Adoption searches
- Case management
- Family therapy
- Mental health treatment
- Respite care
- Targeted case management
To read the full report, Survey Examines Postadoption Services Among Private Agencies, by K. Mack, visit the CWLA website:
The author also has written an article about the survey that will appear in the November issue of CWLA's Children's Voice: