April 2008Vol. 9, No. 3Increasing Foster Care Capacity
A new publication from the Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP) examines the problem of diminishing foster care capacity in the State of Texas and makes recommendations that may be applicable to many States and jurisdictions facing similar challenges. Recognizing the complexity of foster care capacity problems, CPPP underscores the need to increase the quantity and quality of foster care placement options in order to meet the requirements of the growing and changing population of children entering the child welfare system.
CPPP offers six recommendations that build on the State's own action plan to increase capacity and incorporate components for effective capacity building developed by Casey Family Programs:
- Examine whether foster care rates are adequate.
- Examine whether the service level system is affecting capacity.
- Consider a no-reject/no-eject clause in contracts with private providers so that the cost of caring for children with greater needs is spread fairly among providers.
- Consider more funding for foster/adoptive parent training.
- Determine whether licensing standards and enforcement are reasonable.
- Consider hiring a third-party evaluator.
The new report, Creating Foster Care Capacity for Abused and Neglected Children, is available on the CPPP website:
www.cppp.org/files/4/capacitypiece311.pdf (PDF - 153 KB)