November 2008Vol. 9, No. 9Adoption-Friendly Workplaces
The Adoption-Friendly Workplace is a signature program of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption that encourages employers to offer adoption benefits. This is the second year the Foundation has announced the top 100 adoption-friendly workplaces in the United States, with rankings based on the amount of financial reimbursement and paid leave available to employees who adopt. Businesses are honored by placement in the top 100 overall, in the top 10 by size, and in the top 5 by industry. The foundation collected survey data from 919 employers in order to make the awards.
The 2008 winner of the 100 Best Adoption-Friendly Workplace programs is Wendy's International, Inc., headquartered in Dublin, OH. This company offers up to $23,300 in financial reimbursement and up to 6 weeks of paid leave for employees who adopt. In announcing the 2008 winners, the foundation also announced that there has been a significant increase in the number of employers providing adoption benefits in recent years.
To encourage more employers to support adoption, the Dave Thomas Foundation offers a free toolkit for companies looking for ways to initiate or expand their adoption benefits package. The toolkit includes a step-by-step guide to adoption benefits, a CD-ROM that includes a sample proposal and benefits policies form, a financial reimbursement form, a factsheet, and more. There also is a toolkit for employees who want to make the case for employer-provided adoption benefits.
For more information about the Adoption-Friendly Workplace program or to order a free toolkit, visit: