April 2009Vol. 10, No. 3Updates From the T&TA Network
The members of the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA) Network offer a variety of new resources to help States and Tribes achieve better outcomes for children and families in their child welfare systems.
- The National Quality Improvement Center (QIC) on Early Childhood, one of the newest QICs, has launched its website. Read about the goals of this QIC and follow its progress here: http://nccp.org/projects/QICEarlyChildhood.html
- Child Welfare Information Gateway has added a new logic model builder to its website. The Logic Model Builder for Postadoption Services Programs is designed to help programs identify anticipated outcomes, indicators of success, and evaluation instruments that may be appropriate for measuring success in postadoption services: http://toolkit.childwelfare.gov/toolkit
- The National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare has updated two important resources:
- The Annotated Bibliography on Cross-System Issues identifies major literature in the field of cross-system issues involving child welfare, substance use disorders, and dependency courts: www.ncsacw.samhsa.gov/AnnotatedBiblio.asp
- The Methamphetamine Resource List identifies major resources related to methamphetamine prevention, intervention, and treatment: www.ncsacw.samhsa.gov/MethamphetamineList.htm
Find out more about the T&TA Network on the Children's Bureau website: