Dec/Jan 2009Vol. 9, No. 10Greenbook Updates on Child Welfare and Domestic Violence
The Greenbook Initiative is a Federal project that focuses on the intersection of domestic violence and child maltreatment. The Greenbook Initiative began in the 1990s with the publication of a groundbreaking manual on effective intervention in cases of child maltreatment and domestic abuse. Since that time, pilot studies have been conducted across the country, and longitudinal research has explored the efficacy of interventions that address both issues. A national evaluation project continues to provide new information about promising practices in child welfare and domestic violence prevention and services.
Recent Greenbook Initiative publications include the following:
- Cross-System Dialogue: An Effective Strategy to Promote Communication Between the Domestic Violence Community, Child Welfare System, and the Courts (Stacy M. Lowry and Olga Trujillo) discusses the cross-system dialog as an effective tool for addressing controversial topics that may arise in the course of collaboration. (93 - KB) - The Greenbook Initiative Final Evaluation Report assesses the extent to which the Greenbook implementation activities facilitated cross-system and within-system change and practice in child welfare agencies, dependency courts, and domestic violence service providers. (543 - KB) - The Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 23(7), is a special issue that includes Greenbook Initiative national evaluation findings for a wide research- and policy-oriented audience.
For a comprehensive collection of Greenbook publications, visit the website: