May 2009Vol. 10, No. 4May Is National Foster Care Month
May is National Foster Care Month, a time to raise awareness about the almost half a million children in foster care in this country. It's also a time to recognize the foster parents who welcome these children into their homes and the social workers, volunteers, policymakers, and others who work on behalf of these children and families. Their goal is "Keeping Foster Care Temporary" by providing services and supports to families to promote reunification or, when that isn't possible, adoption, guardianship, or other permanent connections for children and youth.
This year, Child Welfare Information Gateway is promoting the theme of "Keeping Foster Care Temporary" by introducing a webpage devoted to practice issues around this theme. Child welfare and other professionals will find links to resources produced by the Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance Network and other efforts funded by the Children's Bureau. The resources include factsheets, toolkits, handbooks, reports, and more—all designed to help professionals promote permanency for children and youth in foster care.
The National Foster Care Month website offers information and resources to help citizens learn more about foster care and some of the practical ways to become involved. The "Change a Lifetime Menu" lists opportunities for involvement based on whether a person has minutes, hours, days, weeks, or more to dedicate to helping a foster child. The National Foster Care Month Toolkit includes ideas, tips, and easy-to-use templates to start a campaign and raise community awareness about the children in foster care. The website also offers a newsroom for the media and an events calendar featuring activities and promotions happening across the country.
The National Foster Care Month website is an initiative led by Casey Family Programs in partnership with 20 national organizations that represent more than 250,000 individuals and providers. Visit the website today: