May 2009Vol. 10, No. 4Updates From the T&TA Network
The members of the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA) Network, including the National Resource Centers (NRCs), offer a variety of new resources to help States and Tribes achieve better outcomes for children and families in their child welfare systems.
- The NRC for Adoption recently posted two resources of interest.
- The latest issue of The Roundtable focuses on adoption policies and practices with articles by leading adoption experts, including Penelope L. Maza, Ruth G. McRoy, and Victor Groza. (772 KB) - A video archive provides access to presentations from the Children's Bureau's 2008 Policy to Practice Dialogue, "Child Welfare Leadership in Action!"
- The latest issue of The Roundtable focuses on adoption policies and practices with articles by leading adoption experts, including Penelope L. Maza, Ruth G. McRoy, and Victor Groza.
- The National Child Welfare Workforce Institute has launched its website. Recently funded by the Children's Bureau, the institute's goal is to serve as a workforce resource to other Network members that provide T&TA to States and Tribes. - The National Abandoned Infants Assistance Resource Center will host a series of teleconference seminars this spring and summer, covering the topics of African American Women Affected by HIV/AIDS, Parents Challenged by Substance Abuse, and Promoting Change and Growth in Highly Resistant Clients. - The FRIENDS NRC for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention has published a revised version of Peer Review in CBCAP: A Source Document for Assessment and Best Practice, which describes a set of peer review guidelines and includes an assessment tool that can be used to improve program practice. (329 KB) - The NRC for Organizational Improvement has posted Recommendations and Suggested Models for Colorado's Court Improvement Program Training Evaluation System, by Anita Barbee and Becky F. Antle, which includes information for evaluating multidisciplinary training in child welfare for the Court Improvement Program. - Child Welfare Information Gateway is promoting its prevention resources on YouTube with a short animated video:
Find out more about the T&TA Network on the Children's Bureau website: