October 2010Vol. 11, No. 8OPRE Updates Program Managers' Guide to Evaluation
The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has updated The Program Manager's Guide to Evaluation. The guide explains the value and utility of program evaluation for assessing program performance, measuring program effects on families and communities, and documenting successes. It outlines how to perform program evaluation and how to use the results to improve programs and benefit staff and families.
This updated version reflects currently accepted practices, up-to-date terminology, a glossary, and an appendix containing a comprehensive list of evaluation resources. The update is designed to be relevant to all ACF program areas. The online version now includes tips, samples, and worksheets previously available only in the hard-copy version.
The guide answers the following questions:
- Why evaluate your program?
- What is program evaluation?
- Who should conduct your evaluation?
- How do you hire and manage an outside evaluator?
- How do you prepare for an evaluation?
- What should you include in an evaluation plan?
- How do you get the information you need?
- How do you make sense of evaluation information?
- How can you report what you have learned?
Access the guide on the OPRE website: