October 2010Vol. 11, No. 8The National Implementation Research Network
The National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, offers information on implementation and its constructs, especially as it relates to social services work. The website includes documents, presentations, reports, and links to other useful information. Visit the NIRN website (www.fpg.unc.edu/~nirn/default.cfm) to find:
- Implementation Research: A Synthesis of the Literature, which summarizes findings from implementation studies and proposes frameworks for understanding effective implementation (www.fpg.unc.edu/~nirn/resources/detail.cfm?resourceID=31)
- Reviews of Collections of Programs, Curricula, Practices, and Tools: Evaluated According to Evidence, which includes reviews of more than 200 education, youth, child welfare, and other programs (www.fpg.unc.edu/~nirn/reviews/index.cfm)
- Presentations on implementation in the context of addictive behaviors, evidence-based education, systems of care, and more (www.fpg.unc.edu/~nirn/resources/type.cfm?typeID=3)
- Information about the first Global Implementation Conference, which will occur in the fall of 2011 (www.implementationconference.org)
Related Items
A number of other websites are beginning to offer resources on implementation and human services:
- The Urban Institute provides a basic article on implementation research and links to other articles offering examples of implementation in social work.
www.urban.org/toolkit/data-methods/implementation.cfm - The World Health Organization sponsors a working group on knowledge synthesis and exchange and implementation research.
www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/best_practices/en/index.html - Implementation Science is a journal website with a strong focus on biomedical science. However, there are a number of general implementation articles that focus on organizational change and similar topics.