Dec/Jan 2011Vol. 11, No. 10Updates From the T&TA Network
The Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA) Network continues to produce resources that can help States and Tribes in their work with children and families. Some recent resources are listed below:
- Child Welfare Information Gateway's Educators' Toolkit won a Silver Galaxy Award in the Educational category. The award signifies a product that has synthesized disciplines to create excellence in marketing. See the toolkit:
Information Gateway recently launched a new Related Organizations List, Kinship/Relative Care:
Information Gateway recently launched a new web section on Evidence-Based Practice: - The National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement (NRCOI) has released the fall issue of Child Welfare Matters, with a focus on "Taking Action: Keys to Using Data and Information." The issue highlights the use of quality improvement results with examples, insights, and stories of action drawn from several States with strong child welfare quality improvement systems. (681 KB)
- The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) has produced its fall NDACAN Updata newsletter, which lists newly archived Federal data, two launches of collections of citations, forthcoming datasets, and a call to data users for citations. - The National Quality Improvement Center on Differential Response in Child Protective Services has announced a "Request for Applications for Doctoral Dissertation Support." Four doctoral students whose proposals are approved will each receive $25,000 a year for up to 2 years to support their research as it applies to differential response. For applications received by January 14, 2011, awards will be announced on March 15, 2010. - The National Quality Improvement Center on Non-Resident Fathers and the Child Welfare System has posted several PowerPoint presentations from the October 2010 conference in Seattle, WA. The presentations focus on spreading the message of father involvement. In particular, "Engaging Fathers in Child Welfare Proceedings" includes charts and data on the effects of father absence in costs and benefits. Access the presentations from this resource page: - The National Resource Center for Child Protective Services (NRCCPS) has posted its fall issue of Citizen Connections, a newsletter for and about State Citizen Review Panels (CRPs). In this issue are updates on CRP accomplishments in States such as Minnesota, South Carolina, and more. Find all of the newsletter issues on the NRCCPS website: - The National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology (NRC-CWDT) has added a subgroup to its group blog site for State data managers. The subgroup is for any State employee who works with a State automated child welfare information system, Federal data systems, or the National Youth in Transition Database, or who is an information technology director, analyst, report programmer, or program manager. The site publishes State-only discussions, announcements, and alerts. The site also has a subgroup for discussing Tribal child welfare data implementation and case management systems. Access the groups at this site: - The National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections (NRCPFC) has compiled several resources on parent and family leadership on its website. The collection includes successful strategies, legal issues, family engagement strategies documented in CFSRs, and more.
The NRCPFC also has published an information packet, "LGBT Foster and Adoptive Parenting," to help those working with lesbian, gay, bixsexual, and transgender (LGBT) foster and adoptive parents. It also includes a list of online resources. Download the packet here: (381 KB) - The National Resource Center for Recruitment and Retention of Foster and Adoptive Parents at AdoptUsKids offers a new PowerPoint on its website, "Barriers and Success Factors in Adoption From Foster Care: Perspectives of Lesbian and Gay Families." This presentation is a follow-up to the NRC's 2008 report that provided perspectives of family and staff. Find the new presentation on the NRC's website: (279 KB) - The National Resource Center on Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (FRIENDS) has added "Home Visitor Safety Training" to its website, developed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The training consists of a Safety Guideline Manual for Home Visitors and seven video segments. - The National Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center for Systems of Care (NTAEC) has posted its first series of webinars. Topics include:
- Understanding Systems and Organizational Change
- Developing the Infrastructure for a System of Care
- Meaningful Family Involvement: Beyond the Case Plan