February 2011Vol. 12, No. 1More Updates From the T&TA Network
The Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA) Network continues to produce resources that can help States and Tribes in their work with children and families. Some recent resources are listed below:
- Child Welfare Information Gateway has produced a new factsheet, "Special Needs" Adoption: What Does It Mean?, which defines "special needs," presents common questions parents ask about adopting a child or youth with special needs, and provides resources with detailed answers. The factsheet covers definitions and topics such as eligibility, making the adoption decision, getting started, financial and health-care assistance, and postadoption services.
Information Gateway also has launched a page of resources of information about the Fostering Connections Act:
www.childwelfare.gov/fosteringconnections - FRIENDS National Resource Center has launched a new resource to help Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) State Lead Agencies and other partners in prevention share information. A State Resources section has been added to the website, offering a central place for organizing and displaying State-specific documents relevant to prevention. Resources are currently available in three categories: Later this year, the area will be expanded to include summaries of the State annual reports and marketing materials.
www.friendsnrc.org/state-resources- CBCAP Annual Reports and Applications
- Statewide prevention plans
- Relevant Request for Proposal documents relating to the funding of prevention programs in States
- The National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement (NCROI) will offer three webinars:
- February 8: Collaborating with Courts to Reduce and Eliminate Disparities
- March 15: Strategies to Support School Stability and Continuity: Part I
- April 12: Strategies to Support School Stability and Continuity: Part 2
- The National Resource Center for Child Protective Services (NRCCPS) has posted its second issue of Children's Justice Act (CJA) E-Newsletter.
www.nrccps.org/documents/2010/pdf/CJA_Newsletter_Fall_2010.pdf (239 KB) - The National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections (NRCPFC) has added an organizational self-study tool to the NRCPFC Family Engagement Web-Based Practice Toolkit. The tool is for reviewing overall agency readiness and administrative policies and for identifying program strengths and challenges in engaging and working with families.
NRCPFC also has added a Systems of Care section to its Digital Stories website:
NRCPFC has posted a PowerPoint presentation, "Unpacking the 'No' of Permanency for Older Adolescents: Planning for Youth Transitioning from Foster Care to Adulthood."
www.hunter.cuny.edu/socwork/nrcfcpp/info_services/youth-permanency.html#ppt - The National Quality Improvement Center on the Representation of Children in the Child Welfare System has issued a request for proposals for Child Representation Research and Demonstration Partners. Two awards of up to $300,000 annually for 4 years are offered. The due date for proposals is February 18, 2011.