July/August 2011Vol. 12, No. 6AAICAMA and Interjurisdictional Placement
The Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA) was written in 1986 and has been enacted into State law by 49 States to ensure that children eligible for adoption assistance who are placed across State lines continue to receive Medicaid and other services. Member States use consistent forms and services, and there is an ICAMA representative in each State who is the contact for these services.
To help ensure that ICAMA is applied consistently, the Association of Administrators of the ICAMA (AAICAMA) offers resources and training on ICAMA. The AAICAMA website includes a number of useful features, such as general information about ICAMA, definitions, training materials, and news on Federal and State laws. The website is designed to be a resource for State and local agency staff who work with families that have an adoption assistance agreement and move across State lines.
Visit the website to learn more:
Fostering Connections and Interjurisdictional Placement
The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 has several implications for the placement of children with foster and adoptive families who live across State lines. The legislation, which was designed to improve outcomes for children in foster care, also mandates improved incentives for adoption of children with special needs and more support and connections for relative caregivers. According to AAICAMA, these are two areas where interjurisdictional placements may benefit from Fostering Connections.
The AAICAMA website offers guidance and links to these parts of the Fostering Connections legislation that most directly affect the work of ICAMA professionals: