October 2012Vol. 13, No. 9More Updates From the T&TA Network
The Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA) Network continues to produce resources that can help States and Tribes in their work with children and families. Some recent resources are listed below:
- The Atlantic Coast Child Welfare Implementation Center (ACCWIC) launched a Twitter page to share news, updates, and information: http://api.twitter.com/accwic
- The National Abandoned Infants Assistance Resource Center (AIA) published its AIA Project Profiles booklet for June 2012:
http://aia.berkeley.edu/media/pdf/AIAProjectProfiles2011_ver23.pdf (1,761 KB) - The National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement (NRCOI) launched a Twitter page to share news, updates, and information: http://twitter.com/NRCOI
NCROI is soon to announce its 2012 Fall Webinar series:
http://muskie.usm.maine.edu/helpkids/tele.htm - The National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI) posted the following resources:
- Workforce Resource One-Page Summary #3: Realistic Job Previews:
http://www.ncwwi.org/docs/Workforce_Resource_1pg_Summary3_RealisticJobPreviews.pdf (152 KB) - An update to a briefing paper on Disseminating Child Welfare Workforce Knowledge and Information to the Field:
http://www.ncwwi.org/docs/Dissemination_in_Child_Welfare_Briefing%20Paper.pdf (799 KB) - The Summer/Fall issue of NCWWI's National E-Update is now available:
- Workforce Resource One-Page Summary #3: Realistic Job Previews:
- The National Quality Improvement Center on Early Childhood (QIC-EC) shared a presentation given at the April 2012 National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect that offers information on their four primary prevention projects. The presentation is available here:
http://www.pal-tech.com/intranet/OCAN/3493_Sege,_R.-The_QIC-EC_Projects.pdf (4,588 KB) - The National Quality Improvement Center on the Representation of Children in the Child Welfare System (QIC-ChildRep) produced a new progress report, which was published in the Spring volume of Family Law Quarterly 46(1). The report, "Child Representation in America: Progress Report from the National Quality Improvement Center," is available at:
http://www.improvechildrep.org/Portals/0/DuquetteFLQSpr12-Final.pdf (1,260 KB) - The National Resource Center for Adoption (NRCA) posted an updated resource to their Practice Tools web section, Adoption Support and Preservation Services: A Continuing Public Interest:
http://www.nrcadoption.org/wp-content/uploads/ASAP-A-Public-Interest-book-without-Surveys-Final.pdf (1198 KB) - The National Resource Center for Child Protective Services (NRC-CPS) posted new technical assistance reports for site visits conducted in Montana and Texas:
- The Texas technical assistance reports are available at: http://nrccps.org/documents/2012/pdf/TX_March_2012_Site_Report_08212012.pdf (28 KB) and http://nrccps.org/documents/2012/pdf/TX_July_2012_Site_Report_08212012.pdf (29 KB)
- The Montana technical assistance report is available at: http://nrccps.org/documents/2012/pdf/MT_Site_Report_June_2012_08242012.pdf (93 KB)
- The National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data & Technology (NRC-CWDT) published a new article in its Tips, Tools, and Trends series, "Geographic Information Systems":
The NRC-CWDT also posted a recording for its July webinar "Diagnosed Conditions in AFCARS":
http://www.nrccwdt.org/2012/07/webinar-diagnosed-conditions-in-afcars/?utm_source=NRC-CWDT+Updates&utm_campaign=53b0745889-2012_05+Web+Updates+and+Upcoming+Events&utm_medium=email - The National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (FRIENDS) posted the recording of and materials from its webinar, "Making the Connection: Barriers and Bridges to Prevention in Hard-to-Reach Communities—Session 4: Substance Abuse and Mental Health":
FRIENDS will also host a webinar on parent leadership on October 25, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. (ET). Further details will be provided on the FRIENDS website:
http://friendsnrc.org/training-and-conferences - The National Resource Center for In-Home Services (NRC In-Home) posted materials from its July webinar, "PSSF Peer Web Teleconference on Addressing the Use of Caseworker Visit Funds":
http://nrcinhome.socialwork.uiowa.edu/events/archived - The National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections (NRCPFC) is featuring a new section on its website, "Digital Stories From the Field," which highlights digital stories from the perspectives of foster and adoptive parents as well as postadoption workers. View the videos here:
The NRCPFC also posted the following new resources:
- An information packet on Birth Parents in the Adoption Process: Experiences with Voluntary Relinquishment:
http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/socwork/nrcfcpp/downloads/information_packets/Birth_Parents_in_the_Adoption_Process.pdf (589 KB) - An information packet on Kinship Care and the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008:
http://www.nrcpfc.org/fostering_connections/download/Kinship_Care_&_Fostering_Connections_Act_KimHertz.pdf (611 KB) - A brief on Strategies to Support Joint Sibling Placement http://www.nrcpfc.org/fostering_connections/download/Strategies%20to%20Support%20Joint%20Sibling%20Placement.pdf?utm_source=Professionals&utm_campaign=39ff352ffb-E_Notes_September_2012_t&utm_medium=email (PDF - 225 KB)
- "Supporting Sibling Relationships: The Roles of Key Stakeholders" http://www.nrcpfc.org/downloads/wu/SupportingSiblingRelationshipsMFreundlichHandouts.pdf (344 KB)
- A presentation and handouts on sibling placements and sibling visits shared at the Nebraska Children's Summit in August: "Supporting Sibling Relationships": http://www.nrcpfc.org/downloads/wu/NE_SupportingSiblingsAug2012.pdf (1,024 KB)
- A recording of their July webinar on "Child Welfare, Education, and the Courts: State Presentations on Short-Term Goal Achievement," which is the second in a series being offered as a follow-up to the meeting on Child Welfare, Education, and the Courts: A Collaboration to Strengthen Educational Successes of Children and Youth in Foster Care. Access the webinar recording as well as other meeting materials and resources are available here:
- An information packet on Birth Parents in the Adoption Process: Experiences with Voluntary Relinquishment:
- The National Resource Center for Recruitment and Retention of Foster and Adoptive Parents at AdoptUSKids (NRCRRFAP) produced a new public service advertisement featuring Disney's movie The Odd Life of Timothy Green. The ad is part of their media outreach campaign "You Don't Have to Be Perfect to Be a Perfect Parent" and is available in both English and Spanish. To view the ad, visit:
AdoptUSKids also shared their presentation from the North American Council on Adoptable Children conference on "Social Media in Child Welfare: Uses, Pitfalls, and Opportunities": http://www.nacac.org/conference/handouts/4H.pdf (3,215 KB) - The National Resource Center for Tribes (NRC4Tribes) posted the recording of an August webinar that was the third in a series of webinars on the NRC4Tribes' needs assessment. The recorded webinar, "Supporting the Development of Management Information Systems for Tribal Child Welfare Programs," is available here: http://www.nrc4tribes.org/announcements/August14-2012-Webinar
- The Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health (TA Partnership) posted the following new resources:
- Closing the Gap: Cultural Perspectives on Family-Driven Care
http://www.tapartnership.org/culturalPerspectives.php - A video on "Standing Up for Linguistic Competence!":
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHwy7SU9cTE&feature=youtu.be - A guide to "Cultural and Linguistic Competence: Icebreakers, Exercises, Videos and Movies":
http://www.tapartnership.org/docs/CLC%20Icebreakers%20and%20Exercises%20-%20FINAL%20(5).pdf (549 KB) - The August/September issue of the TA Partnership newsletter:
http://www.tapartnership.org/newsletter/archives/201208.php - TA Partnership is also sponsoring a webinar on "Community Defined Evidence: What it Means for Your Community" on October 9, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. (ET). For more information, visit:
- Closing the Gap: Cultural Perspectives on Family-Driven Care