September 2012Vol. 13, No. 8Experiences of EBHV Grantees
A new issue brief prepared for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services summarizes lessons learned by grantees regarding supervising and supporting home visitors in evidence-based home visiting programs. Grantees participating in the Children's Bureau Supporting Evidence-Based Home Visiting (EBHV) to Prevent Child Maltreatment grantee cluster provided information for the brief. The Children's Bureau and the Administration for Children and Families funded Mathematica Policy Research and Chapin Hall to conduct cross-site evaluations of the grantees' programs.
In the spring of 2010, Mathematica Policy Research conducted telephone interviews with 9 of the 17 EBHV grantees implementing home visiting programs. The nine grantees were chosen because they had recruited, hired, and trained new home visitors in the previous year, in contrast to grantees that had already been operating programs when the grant began. Strategies for implementing an evidence-based program, as well as challenges and lessons learned, are discussed. Other topics presented in the brief include:
- Agencies' experiences cultivating organizational support
- Providing supportive supervision
- Building community partnerships
The full report, Supporting Home Visitors in Evidence-Based Programs: Experiences of EBHV Grantees, is available on the Supporting Evidence Based Home Visiting website, which is maintained by FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention: