April 2013Vol. 14, No. 3Bulletin on Chronic Child Neglect
Children who experienced neglect make up approximately three-quarters of children identified as maltreatment victims, and child welfare cases involving neglect are more likely to recur than cases involving other maltreatment types. While there is no single definition for chronic child neglect, a new bulletin from Child Welfare Information Gateway provides identifiers, examples of neglect, and characteristics and stressors. The bulletin was written in partnership with Caren Kaplan, M.S.W.
Families impacted by chronic neglect often experience a range of complex needs that may change over time. Chronic neglect differs from incident-based neglect in terms of duration, frequency, duration of need for services, and referrals for multiple types of maltreatment. Chronic neglect often is more pervasive, yet less visible. To help caseworkers better identify the varying types of chronic neglect, the bulletin highlights trainings and resources to support professionals' work with families, including examples of what agencies are doing. Information on practice principles and on addressing chronic neglect in casework, from intake and assessment to case planning and intervention, is also available.
Chronic Child Neglect is available on Information Gateway's website: