April 2014Vol. 15, No. 4NRCPFC Youth Permanency Toolkit
The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (ASFA) and the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (FCA) address the importance of achieving permanence for children and youth in foster care and of making permanence a central goal of a child or youth's case plan. While older youth and young adults had previously been directed toward Independent Living services, AFSA and FCA increased the focus on achieving permanence for this population. In order to address this increased focus on youth permanence, the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections (NRCPFC) developed a new online toolkit that touches on various topics related to permanence for youth and young adults in foster care.
The toolkit gives a brief history of youth permanence and discusses the various definitions of permanence, including professional definitions as well as youth perspectives. The toolkit also draws from neuroscience and other research to touch on developmentally appropriate permanence services for youth. Five core components of youth permanence form the main focus of the toolkit, and each component is discussed in detail and includes an accompanying list of related resources and policy examples. Finally, the kit offers an organizational self-study, which child welfare agencies can use to evaluate policies, practices, and training and technical assistance needs.
Access the Youth Permanency Toolkit on NRCPFC's website: