August 2016Vol. 17, No. 6Improving Responses to Youth Charged With Status Offenses
The Coalition for Juvenile Justice offers a free training curriculum titled Improving Responses to Youth Charged With Status Offenses. This training is meant to assist child welfare and related professionals in advocating for and implementing the principles of the National Standards for the Care of Youth Charged With Status Offenses in their jurisdiction. The training includes an introduction, three training modules focused on the first three sections of the national standards, and a factsheet with definitions of common terms. The training modules include the following:
- Module 1: Principles for Responding to Status Offenses
- Module 2: Efforts to Avoid Court Involvement
- Module 3: Efforts to Limit Court Involvement
Each module includes an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, and helpful handout materials. Sample scripts are also provided to guide instructors and facilitate conversation. After completion of the training, professionals should be able to effectively present the material to their audience.
To access the training, visit