February 2018Vol. 19, No. 1Alia UnSystem Innovation Cohort Seeks Agency Leaders
Alia's mission is to inspire and drive transformative change for the people and systems entrusted with the welfare and care of children.
Through Ten of Ten for Kids, a national child welfare redesign event hosted by Alia in May 2017, and months of formal and informal follow up with child welfare professionals, innovators outside child welfare, foster care alumni, and parents with personal experience being investigated by child protective services, the Alia UnSystem was developed. The UnSystem is characterized by seven guiding principles and challenges every assumption on which the current system is built.
Alia is seeking agency leaders, public systems leaders, foster alumni and birth parents, and child welfare professionals to participate in the Alia UnSystem Innovation Cohort. This group will guide their agencies through the transformation and shift the levers of accountability, decision-making power, culture, purpose, and rewards, revealing a revitalized network of community services and partnerships designed to preserve, restore, heal, and scaffold family relationships. Alia's goal is for every child to remain in the uninterrupted care of an already-trusted adult, where there is never a disruption to his or her sense of connection and belonging.
Applications are due January 31, 2018; however, CBX readers can mention this article to extend the deadline for application to February 9, 2018.
To apply, nominate an individual, or inquire about a cohort position, go to https://aliainnovations.typeform.com/to/FGE3uV.