November 2018Vol. 19, No. 9New Tool Designed to Help Youth Self-Assess for Well-Being, Address Concerns
A new tool may help child welfare-involved youth gauge their individual well-being and develop an action plan for areas they would like to strengthen.
The Well-Being Indicator Tool for Youth (WIT-Y) was designed by the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare at the University of Minnesota to help youth aged 15-21 explore different aspects of their well-being. WIT-Y is for youth who are either currently or formerly involved with child welfare and consists of three components:
- An initial online assessment that measures well-being across eight separate domains (physical health, cognitive health, mental health, relationships, safety and security, environment, purpose, and community) with five possible levels of well-being (in crisis, just surviving, doing okay, doing good, and doing great) and detailed examples of what each level might look like for all of the domains
- A WIT-Y "snapshot" that gives youth a picture of their overall well-being based on their individual assessment
- A WIT-Y "blueprint" for helping youth take steps to increase their well-being based on what they learn from their snapshot
In the event that a youth self-reports that he or she is in crisis in any of the eight domains, they will see text on their screen that will alert them of resources that can help.
More information on the WIT-Y is available at