June 2019Vol. 20, No. 5Real Stories From the Field
The National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI), an organization dedicated to increasing the equity and effectiveness of child welfare practice, has created a multimedia collection of workforce development stories from students, faculty, and child welfare professionals at all levels. These stories offer insight into NCWWI initiatives and partnerships, and both professionals and students can leverage the information in this collection to improve their own practice.
Stories range in topics from university partnerships, such as a traineeship program at the University of New Hampshire that helped a worker earn her degree, to trainings and resources for supervisors. These stories offer real-life examples, lessons learned, and best practices. The stories are available as podcasts, articles, and videos. Additionally, a toolkit is available with additional discussion resources for every story.
Real Stories From the Field is available at https://www.ncwwi.org/index.php/real-stories-from-the-field-we.