May 2020Vol. 21, No. 4Pilot of an Online Implementation Course From the Building Evidence Training Project
The Building Evidence Training (BET) Project is piloting its second web-based course, "Designing and Implementing Evidence-Supported Interventions in Child Welfare," which teaches participants about the major stages of the implementation process and how to use an implementation framework to guide intervention development, adaptation, and implementation processes. The course also covers why teams with diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives are critical to successful implementation and how agencies evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and plan for sustainability.
The target audience for this course is child welfare frontline workers and supervisors as well as B.S.W. and M.S.W. students.
The course pilot sites include the following:
- Maryland Child Welfare Academy (frontline workers)
- University of Maryland, Research and Child Welfare course (M.S.W. students)
- University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, Master's Concentration Year Practicum (M.S.W. students)
- East Central University, Oklahoma, Integrative Seminar course (B.S.W. students)
This course features the following:
- Six interactive e-learning modules that participants may complete at their own pace
- Supplementary resources for students wanting to learn more about course topics
- Practical examples illustrating course concepts
- Transfer-of-learning activities that apply course concepts to practical child welfare situations
- A flexible design that allows use as a stand-alone, online course or as an online component of in-person education or training
- Course competencies aligned with those identified by the Council on Social Work Education to help programs maintain accreditation standards
- Eight continuing education units for frontline workers and supervisors
This is the second course developed by the BET Project, a Children's Bureau-funded effort to develop courses that help prepare child welfare frontline staff to participate in developing, implementing, and evaluating child welfare interventions. The first course, "Evidence Building Strategies in Child Welfare," introduces requisite knowledge and skills so current child welfare agency staff (workers and supervisors) and future child welfare agency staff (B.S.W. and M.S.W. students) can understand and apply practical strategies to support evidence building in child welfare.
These courses are free of charge for university professors, instructors, and child welfare training academy staff. "Evidence Building Strategies in Child Welfare" is currently available on CapLEARN (free registration required). "Designing and Implementing Evidence-Supported Interventions in Child Welfare" will be available in fall 2020.