March 2021Vol. 22, No. 3Capacity Building Center for States' "Then and Now" Videos and Discussion Guide
The Capacity Building Center for States offers a video learning experience featuring firsthand accounts from adoptive parents, kin caregivers, and a young adult who was formerly in foster care about their involvement with the child welfare system. Each individual featured in the series has two videos that were taken several years apart in order to identify actions and services that made a difference as well as missed opportunities for what might have been helpful.
The series aims to spur on discussions about the following topics:
- Promoting child and family well-being through connections, supports, and services
- Building youth, caregiver, and worker resilience
- Integrating protective factor approaches into family strengthening and workforce development
The series is intended for foster care and adoption program managers, supervisors, training managers, and recruitment and licensing specialists to support group learning or individual coaching with child welfare workers and current or potential resource parents. Those who participate in the course can earn continuing education units in social work, clinical psychology, counseling, and marriage and family therapy.
To learn more about this learning experience and to watch the videos, visit the Center for States website for Then and Now: Looking Back and Moving Forward in Support of Children, Youth, and Families.