May 2022Vol. 23, No. 4Support and Resources for Expectant and Parenting Young People in Foster Care
Family Voices United published a report featuring a summary of responses from youth with lived foster care experience to the question "What supports should be provided to maintain stable foster care placements for expectant and parenting youth, or to support them in achieving safe reunification with relatives/loved ones?" Policymakers can use this report to better understand constituents and tailor programs and systems to better serve different populations.
This report focuses on expectant and parenting youth—a special population that may need additional supports, such as help enrolling the youth's own children in early childhood care or education while they work on their own educational or professional goals. The responses included the following six themes:
- Honor our mental health
- Connect us to our peers
- Show us the resources and support us in obtaining them
- Facilitate networks of support
- Invest in our futures
- Celebrate and show us love