September 2024Vol. 25, No. 7Children's Bureau Website Updates
The Children's Bureau website hosts information on child welfare programs, funding, monitoring, training and technical assistance, laws, statistics, research, federal reporting, and much more.
The following list includes recent additions or updates to the Children’s Bureau site and a selection of recent items from the Administration for Children and Families:
Children’s Bureau:
- Child and Family Services Reviews Update
- Child Welfare Policy Manual Updates:
- Dear Colleague Letter on Supporting Kinship Caregivers
- The Kinship Navigator Program
- Monthly Caseworker Visit Formula Grants and Standards for Caseworker Visits
- National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Frequently Asked Questions:
- Overview of the Foster Care Legal Representation Notice of Proposed Rule Making Final Rule
- Tips for Administering the NYTD Survey
- Tips for Building a Social Media Presence
- Tips for Hiring and Building Rapport With Young People With Lived Experience
- Title IV-E Foster Eligibility Reviews:
- Illinois Primary Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review (2024)
- Louisiana Primary Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review (2024)
- Maryland Primary Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review (2024)
- New Jersey Primary Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review (2024)
- North Dakota Primary Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review (2024)
- Updates on AFCARS Technical Bulletins and the Penalty Process Office Hours
Administration for Children and Families:
- ACF Announces $3 Million in New Awards for Tribal Home Visiting Program [Press release]
- Evaluation of the National Human Trafficking Hotline: Contactor Follow-up Survey Brief
- Evaluation of the National Human Trafficking Hotline: Evaluation Findings and Considerations for Future Practice
- HHS Announces Winners of Inaugural Children and Youth Resilience Challenge [Press release]
- "Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking" [The Family Room Blog]
- Providing Employment Coaching to Families Receiving TANF Benefits: Lessons Learned
- Puerto Rico Becomes the First Territory in the Nation With a Family First Prevention Plan Approved by the Children's Bureau [Press release]
- A Snapshot of States' Child Welfare Data Systems of Record
- State Child Welfare Data Linkages Descriptive Study Technical Report: Study Background and Design
- Tools and Strategies for Examining the Relationship Between Child Care Subsidy Policies and Trends in Child, Family, and Provider Outcomes
- "With the People, By the People, for the People: Co-Creating Evidence Use With American Indian/Alaska Native Communities" [OPRE Insights Blog]
- "World Refugee Day 2024: Why Refugees Make the U.S. a Better Place to Live" [The Family Room Blog]
Visit the Children's Bureau website often to see what's new.
*Visit for the latest information.