April 2024Vol. 25, No. 3Spotlight on National Child Abuse Prevention Month
This issue of CBX highlights National Child Abuse Prevention Month and the importance of working together to support and strengthen families and prevent child maltreatment. We also feature a message from Associate Commissioner Aysha E. Schomburg focused on the commitment to a customized approach to prevention that treats preventative family support as an inalienable right. Also included are the latest resources and publications for professionals and the families they serve.
Issue Spotlight
- What's Up That Stream? A Message From the Associate Commissioner
What's Up That Stream? A Message From the Associate Commissioner
Written by Associate Commissioner Aysha E. Schomburg
Recently, I had the opportunity to share a story about when I became a kin caregiver a few years ago. I mentioned that, even though I was working for the local child welfare agency, child protection professionals still came to my home to interview me and inspect the physical condition of the child. I knew they were coming, but I didn’t know when. I recalled being cooperative but feeling annoyed, slightly offended, and nervous.
Child protective services (CPS) has never knocked on my door unexpectedly for any reason. Often, I wonder how I might react if I ever felt the real fear of a parent threatened with separation from their child. Knowing what I know about myself, I’d immediately call someone I trust who has knowledge and authority. I can say for sure—without any hesitation—that my first two questions would be “What should I do?” and “What are my rights?”
Sadly, there have been too many tragedies and too many children lost to abuse. Even one abused child is one child too many. As adults, we must do everything we can to prevent children from being harmed. This is primarily the parent’s responsibility, but it also falls to the extended family and community. As child welfare professionals, we are in a constant state of readiness. We are vigilant, even hyperalert, to prevent the next catastrophe because the previous ones never leave our minds. We commit wholeheartedly to prevention even if we sometimes struggle with what it really means.
There is no single preventative solution. Unless we understand that it must be customized, prevention can be elusive. One person may need access to SNAP, two people may need affordable housing and, another person may need affordable child care. What I need may not be what she needs. What she needs may not be what they need. For prevention to work, unfettered access to a comprehensive array of options must exist.
Lest we forget, in our Nation, we have certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Do those rights extend to access to SNAP, housing, and child care? Or is there an invisible line in the invisible sand?
So, in a hypothetical scenario where CPS is knocking on my door, I’m asking what I should do and what my rights are now, but I’m also wondering what should have happened before this point? Should I have had access to the customized support I needed somewhere up that “stream” we always reference? What supports did I have the right to ask for?
At the Children’s Bureau, we are working on addressing those issues. We are supporting states’ implementation of their prevention plans and supportive kinship care policies. We’ve also proposed rules that would allow federal support for legal representation to prevent foster care involvement, and we’ve put funding directly into the hands of communities that are crystal clear about what primary prevention means for them. We don’t have it all figured out, but we are listening.
As we celebrate National Child Abuse Prevention Month, let’s commit to a customized approach that treats preventative family support as an inalienable right.
- April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Every April, the Children’s Bureau, together with Child Welfare Information Gateway and other partner organizations, observes National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM), a time dedicated to raising public awareness of child abuse and neglect and recognizing the importance of communities working together to support and strengthen families and prevent child maltreatment.
This year, NCAPM continues the theme “Doing Things Differently: Moving From the Challenge to the Change,” which urges us to intentionally explore, engage, and invest in innovative ideas to transform the way we partner with families to deliver services and supports. The campaign also continues to be grounded in the Children's Bureau's commitment to do the following:
- Promote equity in state child welfare systems
- Develop and enhance the child welfare workforce
- Support kinship caregivers
- Prevent children from coming into foster care
- Ensure youth leave care with strengthened relationships, holistic supports, and opportunities
Visitors to this year’s campaign webpage will find a variety of information and resources:
- View and download a copy of the 2023/2024 Prevention Resource Guide, which serves as a key resource and tool for community-based providers who work to prevent maltreatment and promote family well-being. It's rooted in protective factors and provides concrete examples of evidence-based and promising practices and strategies gathered from those with lived expertise, federal partners, Children's Bureau-funded grant recipients, communities, and others who are working to support families.
- Explore a collection of videos in the multimedia gallery. Several new additions include the Capacity Building Center for State’s video “Reflecting on Racial Equity and Prevention-Focused Systems” and the FRIENDS National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention’s Sharing the Journey: Voices of Parent Leaders video series.
- Learn about the protective factors in this Child Welfare Information Gateway publication and consider using these conversation guides, available in English and Spanish, to engage caregivers in personalized conversations about the protective factors.
- Access the outreach toolkit for graphics, social media posts, a virtual meeting background, and more that can be used in digital communications and to supplement community awareness efforts.
Visit the NCAPM webpage on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website to learn more.
- Leveraging the Family First Prevention Services Act to Strengthen Supports for Children and Families
Leveraging the Family First Prevention Services Act to Strengthen Supports for Children and Families
Child Trends interviewed child- and family-serving agencies and organizations in six states to compile a report on current efforts to prevent child maltreatment and promote well-being in families with infants and toddlers and how states are using the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) to support their efforts. The report also explores facilitators and challenges that states are facing in their efforts to promote holistic well-being for families and prevent maltreatment and entry into foster care. There were four key findings from the report:
- Prevention efforts—from development to funding to implementation—vary widely across states and communities.
- States have an innovative range of services designed to meet the unique needs of families with young children, but they are not available in every state or in every county or region within states.
- Each state is working to promote equity and incorporate parent voices in their prevention planning and implementation.
- While FFPSA plays a unique and important role in overall prevention efforts, states report implementation challenges.
FFPSA provides an opportunity for states to use different funding streams to help build a more robust prevention system at all levels of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary), with a focus on moving supports as upstream as possible. While FFPSA provides new opportunities for agencies, it also requires creative thinking and partnering across systems to achieve their goals.
All states expressed their enthusiasm and commitment to increasing families' access to prevention services, coordinating with cross-system partners to expand services, and using their available resources creatively. The report included recommendations for state leaders working to improve and expand their prevention services:
- Reduce silos across and between agencies and their partners.
- Increase supports specifically designed to meet the needs of families with very young children.
- Promote equity in policies and practice and bring parents with lived expertise into decision-making roles.
- Facilitate the use of FFPSA in their overall prevention efforts.
Find the full report, Using the Family First Act to Grow and Nurture Support Systems for Families of Young Children: A Look at Promotion, Prevention, and Family First Act Implementation in Six States, on the Child Trends website.
- Barriers Facing Providers of Culturally Responsive Services
Barriers Facing Providers of Culturally Responsive Services
The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) published a brief highlighting the barriers faced by community organizations that are working to provide antiracist, culturally responsive, and strengths-based supports to children and families. Culture Is Healing: Removing the Barriers Facing Providers of Culturally Responsive Services examines providers in nine states: Arizona, California, Florida, Hawai'i, Montana, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, and Washington. CSSP interviewed service providers, which included a mix of those directly involved with the child welfare system and those who were not.
From these interviews, CSSP had five main findings:
- Communities need culturally rooted services because they face intergenerational trauma from racism, cultural stigma, and systemic neglect.
- Providers regard attentiveness to culture as important for program success.
- Providers struggle to navigate restrictive evidence-based requirements.
- Evaluators who are unfamiliar with the community can lead to culturally inappropriate evaluations.
- Excessive state requirements and bureaucracy harm providers' ability to offer services.
Policymakers can also find recommended actions to invest in the development and evaluation of culturally responsive services, increase support for culturally responsive services, and improve partnerships with providers. Some of the recommendations include the following:
- Engage community members to define and identify promising practices using community-defined evidence.
- Provide longer-term flexible funding for general operating support.
- Foster more cooperative relationships with community-based organizations and reduce administrative barriers.
An accompanying webinar is also available. The 90-minute webinar features a discussion with leaders from community service providers in three states about the barriers they face, such as the state and federal funds being tied to certain evidence criteria and the challenges of building evidence and working within the restrictions of "evidence-based" standards.
Related item: To learn more about how culture can be a protective factor, read the Associate Commissioner's message from April 2023, which references the guide Culture Is Prevention: We Are All Connected. The guide from the Tribal Information Exchange highlights how traditional tribal practices and cultural values can be used to create a more holistic approach to prevention. It also provides examples of successful prevention programs that use cultural components.
- Webinar on Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences
Webinar on Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences
A webinar from the Annie E. Casey Foundation explains how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) affect lifelong health outcomes and provides strategies for preventing ACEs. "Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Creating Safe and Nurturing Environments" shares expanded definitions of ACEs at the family and community levels. It also explores how negative outcomes can potentially be reduced or mitigated.
ACEs are associated with negative health outcomes, ranging from health conditions and risk behaviors to socioeconomic challenges. Positive childhood experiences are one way to help children build resilience and have a direct effect on health outcomes. The webinar lists six strategies to prevent ACEs and details actions and policies that support prevention:
- Strengthen economic supports for families.
- Promote social norms that protect against violence and adversity.
- Ensure a strong start for children.
- Teach skills.
- Connect youth to caring adults and activities.
- Intervene to lessen immediate and long-term harms.
The presentation slides are available for download. Additional resources for preventing ACEs and promoting positive childhood experiences are also available, such as an infographic on the science of ACEs and training modules from a public health approach.
Recent Issues
News From the Children's Bureau
In this section, find the latest news, resources, and publications from the Administration for Children and Families, the Children's Bureau, and other offices within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as well as a listing of the latest additions to the Children's Bureau website.
- An Introduction to the Child Welfare Community Collaborations Grantees and Strategies
An Introduction to the Child Welfare Community Collaborations Grantees and Strategies
The Child Welfare Community Collaborations (CWCC), an initiative funded by the Children's Bureau, is designed to engage communities in developing and evaluating multisystem collaboratives that address local challenges and provide a comprehensive range of child abuse and neglect prevention services. A recent brief provides insight into the CWCC grantees and their strategies, outlining the CWCC's objectives, timeline, and the technical assistance provided to grantees in support of these efforts. The brief, An Introduction to the Child Welfare Community Collaborations Grantees and Strategies, is one of a series of products created as part of the cross-site process evaluation.
Grantees consist of both urban and rural communities and are a mix of public agencies, nonprofits, and academic institutions. All grantees incorporated systems alignment activities to promote community collaboration and strengthen their communities' prevention services network. All grantees also incorporated at least one systems-level strategy, one community-level strategy, and one individual-level strategy. These strategies were designed to promote positive change in the community, increase protective factors, and promote well-being. Examples of the strategies include the following:
- Family coaching or navigation
- Resource centers
- Staff and provider training (e.g., capacity-building training or workshops)
- Meaningful engagement of families (e.g., advisory councils)
Some of the most commonly used strategies were family coaching, systems alignment, promoting equity with CWCC supplemental funding, and community outreach.
Those interested in a high-level description of each of the 13 CWCC projects can read Child Welfare Community Collaborations Projects at a Glance. For a closer look at the design and methods used for the cross-site process evaluation, access the brief Child Welfare Community Collaborations Cross-Site Process Evaluation Design and Methods. These resources offer additional insights into the evaluation framework and the unique aspects of each project within the initiative.
- Meet Two New National Centers Focused on Postadoption Support and Adoption-Competent Mental Health Services
Meet Two New National Centers Focused on Postadoption Support and Adoption-Competent Mental Health Services
Two national centers, both launched in October 2023, seek to enhance support for families formed through adoption or guardianship and address important aspects of postadoption experiences. Both of these centers share a commitment to collaboration and providing culturally responsive support to states, tribes, and territories to bring systemic change.
The National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Support is a technical assistance initiative designed to deliver free services and resources to help states, tribes, and territories provide a comprehensive range of postadoption and post guardianship services to families. One feature is the resource library, which includes resources on engagement, workforce development, serving diverse adoptive and guardianship families, and more. The Post-Adoption Center also offers technical assistance through peer groups, webinars, or onsite technical assistance.
The National Center for Adoption Competent Mental Health Services, which works in collaboration with the Post-Adoption Center, is dedicated to creating systemic change by building bridges between the child welfare and mental health systems to improve mental health outcomes for children in care and families who are affected by the child welfare system. This national center provides technical assistance and evidenced-informed training to strengthen coordination and capacity between child welfare and mental health systems. This collaboration seeks to help connect children, young adults, and families with adoption-competent mental health professionals who can meet their mental health needs in a culturally and linguistically responsive way.
The launch of these two centers supports the Children's Bureau's commitment to improving the safety, permanency, and well-being of children through partnerships. Learn more about the National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Support and the National Center for Adoption Competent Mental Health Services.
- Harnessing Technology to Improve Data Quality and Protect Children
Harnessing Technology to Improve Data Quality and Protect Children
Written by Children's Bureau Division of State Systems staff
Today’s technology is rapidly changing how vulnerable children and families can be protected. April’s National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM) provides an excellent opportunity to increase awareness for safeguarding children from harm by leveraging technology that can enhance the quality of child welfare data and improve family outcomes.
Telling the Story Through Data
In a Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS), the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) defines the primary characteristics of quality data as completeness, timeliness, and accuracy with a goal to describe each child and their circumstances and to meet federal and state or tribal reporting requirements. High-quality data allow the child welfare system to "tell the story" of a child and their family.
Establishing the Importance of Quality Data
Ensuring data quality in CCWISs is a foundation block for successful child abuse prevention initiatives. Situations such as missed interventions, delayed responses, and undesirable outcomes can stem from incorrect or missing information. However, by incorporating technology into the child welfare process, agencies can lay a solid groundwork for more successful outcomes and improved results.
Making a Difference
Access to quality data is imperative for child welfare activities. Technologies and automations that support data quality help agencies with activities such as the following:
- Risk assessments: Quality data can provide a holistic view of attributes such as caregiver history, consistency of care, environmental elements, and past allegations of domestic violence. Knowing these risks up front helps caseworkers make more informed decisions for the affected children and their families.
- Tracking outcomes: Having better data allows agencies to identify gaps and strengths in their child protection system and monitor their program’s overall effectiveness. Using these individualized findings, agencies can address business needs and concerns as well as consider future system enhancements.
- Case management: Analytical data-management tools can streamline the workflow process and reduce administrative loads. As a result, this workflow efficiency can allow agency staff more time to directly support children and families in other ways.
- Resource collaboration: Sharing up-to-date case information with the appropriate resources, both internal and external to the agency, ensures a better coordinated response for all involved participants.
- Providing metrics: Analytical tools can provide your agency with valuable data to produce better metrics for state and federal reporting requirements.
Protecting Children Using Data-Driven Tools
While ACF does not endorse specific products, there are technologies available that can support child abuse prevention efforts through enhanced CCWIS functionality, such as the following:
- Address verification: Validating addresses supports prompt engagement and accurate service delivery, and it can uncover patterns or connections that warrant further scrutiny.
- Fuzzy logic for duplicates: "Fuzzy logic" tackles common data entry errors like misspellings or variations in names, helping to uncover potential duplicates and streamline records.
- Artificial intelligence or machine learning: These technologies offer potential for predictive risk modeling and pattern recognition, as well as enhancing proactive intervention strategies.
- Robust search tools: Tools with advanced algorithms enable effective searches across databases, facilitating the identification of possible connections or relevant historical reports.
Looking Ahead
While technology holds much promise for providing agencies with quality data, the responsible adoption of these tools is also vital for protecting children and families. Analytical tools should provide data that is ethical, transparent, privacy-protective, and implemented with safeguards to minimize bias. Additionally, human judgment remains essential when interpreting the data to provide interventions.
For More Information
For more information or to discuss tools mentioned in this article, please contact your state or tribe’s assigned federal analyst in the Children’s Bureau’s Division of State Systems.
Additional Resources
Center for State Child Welfare Data, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
Children's Bureau. (2018). Technical bulletin #6: CCWIS data quality plan. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/cb/training-technical-assistance/ccwis-technical-bulletin-6
- CB Website Updates
CB Website Updates
The Children's Bureau website hosts information on child welfare programs, funding, monitoring, training and technical assistance, laws, statistics, research, federal reporting, and much more.
The following list includes recent additions or updates to the Children’s Bureau site and a selection of recent items from the Administration for Children and Families:
Children’s Bureau:
- IM-24-02: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS)
- PI-24-02: Summary of the actions required in completion and submission of (1) the Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) Final Report and CAPTA Update FYs 2020-2024, (2) the CFSP for FYs 2025-2029, and (3) the CFS-101, Parts I, II, and III
- PI-24-03: Guidance to tribes on actions required to complete and submit the (1) Final Report for FYs 2020-2024; (2) the new CFSP for FYs 2025- 2029; and (3) the CFS-101, Parts I, II, and III
- PI-24-04: Instructions for State Courts on Applying for State Court Improvement Program (CIP) Funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025
- HHS Announces Proposed Rule Requiring States to Collect Additional Information on American Indian/Alaska Native Youth Entering the Foster Care System or Adoption Process [Press release]
- How to Successfully Administer the National Youth in Transition Database Survey [Video series]
- “How You Can Make a Difference” [Video]
- FY2024 Discretionary Grant Forecasts and Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)*:
- The National Center for Tribal Child Welfare Innovation and Advancement (HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CZ-0067)
- National Child Welfare Center for Court Innovation and Advancement (HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CZ-0066)
- National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CZ-0052)
- Quality Improvement Center on Helplines and Hotlines (HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CA-0022)
- Standing Announcement for Tribal Title IV-E Plan (HHS-2022-ACF-ACYF-CS-0079) [This NOFO has published. Applications are due April 19, 2024.]
- State-Tribal Partnerships to Implement Best Practices in Indian Child Welfare (HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CW-0056) [This NOFO has published. Applications are due May 31, 2024.]
- Tribal Court Improvement Program (HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CS-0053)
Administration for Children and Families:
- ACF Parent Report 2024 - Spanish Version
- Helping Families Through Upheaval: How Home Visiting Programs Supported Families’ Economic Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Leading in Partnership With Youth and Young Adults with Lived Experience (CF-ACYF-FYSB-IM-24-01)
- “Tools for Strengthening Two-Generation Services: Insights from the Next Steps for Rigorous Research on Two-Generation Approaches (NS2G) Project” [Video]
- Wellness in Your Words!
- “Communities and Families as Partners in Supporting the Well-Being of Children and Families: Highlighting our work in Uvalde, Texas” [The Family Room blog]
- “Women in the Workforce” [OPRE Insights blog]
Visit the Children's Bureau website often to see what's new.
*Visit grants.gov for the latest information.
Training & Technical Assistance Updates
This section features resources and updates from the Children's Bureau's technical assistance partners to support practices and systems that improve the lives of children and families.
- FRIENDS' Prevention Mindset Institute
FRIENDS' Prevention Mindset Institute
The Prevention Mindset Institute (PMI) is an initiative of the FRIENDS National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (FRIENDS). This initiative seeks to transition the current system from one that predominantly intervenes after incidents of child abuse occur to one that prioritizes primary prevention and early intervention.
PMI is dedicated to identifying and promoting promising strategies for preventing child abuse before it happens. By focusing on primary prevention, the institute aims to reduce the incidence of child abuse through proactive measures rather than reactive responses.
PMI works in two cohorts of states to identify strategies for reorienting the child welfare system toward primary prevention and early intervention. The current cohort consists of six states: Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington. This paradigm shift would involve engaging families proactively to prevent adverse incidents before they occur.
Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention State Lead Agencies participating in PMI partner with parents with lived experience in kinship or foster care, families of origin with lived experience navigating the child welfare system, and other national organizations to create equitable and prevention-focused environments that support child and family well-being.
Part of PMI's outreach and educational efforts include its podcast series, which serves as a platform for discussing innovative strategies and sharing knowledge on prevention-focused practices. The series offers child welfare professionals insights on the importance of shifting toward a prevention-focused mindset regarding child maltreatment. For example, episode 3 of the podcast (released in January 2024) focuses on Kentucky's prevention mindset shift and explores the state's recent revision of the neglect statute to establish that poverty is not child neglect.
To learn more about PMI and access the latest podcast episodes, visit the PMI webpage on the FRIENDS website. This initiative represents a critical step forward in the effort to safeguard children by addressing potential issues before they escalate, marking a significant evolution in the approach to child welfare and protection.
- Home Visiting to Support Unhoused Families
Home Visiting to Support Unhoused Families
Housing instability affects many families struggling with high housing and rental costs. Despite the prevalence of housing instability, unhoused families face challenges accessing health care, child care, food assistance, and other government programs that require fixed addresses.
In recognition of this issue, the National Home Visiting Resource Center released a brief titled Home Visiting as Part of a Holistic Approach to Supporting Unhoused Families. The brief explores three programs (New Moms, Lydia Place, and Reach Dane) and one state (Minnesota) that use home visiting as a support for unhoused families. It provides an overview of each program, its goals and purposes, notable details, accomplishments, upcoming activities, and more.
New Moms is a housing program in Chicago, IL, that matches families with a housing coach who helps families set and achieve goals related to housing stability, economic stability, and family well-being. Lydia Place is a program in Washington that uses a preventive, holistic approach to address adverse childhood experiences and build on parenting strengths. Reach Dane is a nonprofit organization in Madison, WI, that partners with Early Head Start to provide home visiting in neighborhoods determined to be in need of early childhood support, including resources to help with education, employment, housing, and mental health services. The brief’s statewide look at Minnesota outlines how the Minnesota Department of Health partners with the sovereign Ojibwe Nations, Indigenous-led nonprofits, and other specialized nonprofits to provide home visiting services to unhoused children and families.
More information is available in the brief and its companion video, "Building on Strengths: Reaching Unhoused Families With Home Visiting Parent Support Programs."
- Webinars Explore Prenatal Alcohol, Substance Exposure Among Children in the Child Welfare System
Webinars Explore Prenatal Alcohol, Substance Exposure Among Children in the Child Welfare System
Written by James Bell Associates (JBA) and Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) staff
Prenatal substance exposure can cause behavioral, developmental, and physical challenges that last a lifetime. When children are recognized as having fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)—or other adverse effects from in-utero substance exposure—they are more likely to access needed interventions and supports.
The Children’s Bureau and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are supporting research on how the child welfare system can better identify and serve families affected by prenatal substance exposure, including exposure to alcohol. In honor of Alcohol Awareness Month, which occurs every April, JBA and CWLA are pleased to announce a three-part webinar series building on recent efforts.
The Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures webinar series will share information from a special double issue of the journal Child Welfare, including how agencies can partner to help families recognize potential impacts, pursue assessment and diagnoses, and access supportive services. Speakers include journal authors, practitioners, and others with lived experience who will answer audience questions and help advance the conversation from research to practice.
The series includes the following webinars:
- Webinar #1: "Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures: FASD, Trauma, and Child Welfare"
May 29, 1 p.m. Eastern Time (ET)
- Webinar #2: "Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures: FASD Assessment and Intervention"
July 24, 1 p.m. ET
- Webinar #3: "Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures: Multi-System Collaboration and Family Care Plans"
August 7, 1 p.m. ET
Interested participants can register now. For more information related to the webinar series, please contact Erin Ingoldsby at ingoldsby@jbassoc.com.
- Webinar #1: "Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures: FASD, Trauma, and Child Welfare"
- Updates From the Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance Partners
Updates From the Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance Partners
The Children's Bureau funds several technical assistance centers to provide professionals with tools to better serve children, youth, and families. The following are some of the latest resources from these partners.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Determining the Best Interests of the Child
- Mejorar los servicios para jóvenes en cuidado de crianza que están esperando o criando a un hijo (Improving Services for Expectant and Parenting Youth in Care)
- National Child Abuse Prevention Month [campaign webpage]
- National Child Abuse Prevention Month Outreach Toolkit
Visit the Information Gateway website for more.
Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative
- Center for Courts
- Center for States
- Center for Tribes Tribal Information Exchange
- “Incorporating Cultural Values and Traditions into Policy, Procedure, and Practice” [Webinar recording]
- “National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: Resources for Tribal Child Welfare Professionals” [Webinar recording]
- “Tribal Child Welfare Data System Procurement Webinar Series Part 3 – Contracting With Data System Vendors” [Webinar recording]
- “Tribal Child Welfare Data System Procurement Webinar Series Part 2 - Procuring a Tribal Child Welfare Data System” [Webinar recording]
Visit the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative website for more.
Children's Bureau Learning and Coordination Center (CBLCC)
- Children’s Bureau 2024 Race Equity Challenge
- Social Media Gallery for Developmental Disabilities and Delays
- Social Media Resources for Social Work
Visit the CBLCC website for more.
FRIENDS National Resource Center
- FRIENDS National Center Podcast:
- “Finding Self-Compassion and Sharing Compassion With Others” [Podcast episode]
- “Prevention Mindset Institute Episode 4: Open, Courageous, Transparent—Two child welfare directors reflect on doing right by families” [Podcast episode]
- “Prevention Mindset Institute Episode 3: Shifting Mindsets by Revising Laws—One state’s journey to assure poverty is not misconstrued as neglect” [Podcast episode]
- “Prevention Mindset Institute Episode 2: Shifting Minds; Changing Systems Continued—Parents join the conversation” [Podcast episode]
- “Prevention Mindset Institute Episode 1: Shifting Minds; Changing Systems” [Podcast episode]
Visit the FRIENDS National Resource Center website for more.
Center for Workforce Equity and Leadership
- CWEL's Tailored Support
- Information Session: Introducing the New Center for Workforce Equity and Leadership
- Ready for Change? Here's What to Expect When Working With the Center for Workforce Equity and Leadership
Visit the Center for Workforce Equity and Leadership website for more.
National Center for Adoption Competent Mental Health Services
- Press Release
- The National Center for Adoption Competent Mental Health Services [Brochure]
- “Innovations in Mental Health for Youth and Families in Child Welfare” [Blog post]
- “The Importance of Adoption Competent Services” [Blog post]
- “Learn About Technical Assistance for Tribes” [Blog post]
Visit the National Center for Adoption Competent Mental Health Services website for more.
National Center for Diligent Recruitment
- National Center for Diligent Recruitment [Brochure]
Visit the National Center for Diligent Recruitment website for more.
National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Support
Visit the National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Support website for more.
National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW)
- Harm Reduction in the Context of Child Well-Being:
- Tip Sheet #1: Harm Reduction in the Context of Child Well-Being: An Overview for Serving Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders
- Tip Sheet #2: Harm Reduction in the Context of Child Well-Being: Key Considerations for Policymakers
- Tip Sheet #3: Harm Reduction in the Context of Child Well-Being: Practice Recommendations for Child Welfare Workers
- Peer Support Specialist Programs for Families Affected by Substance Use and Involved With Child Welfare Services: A Four-Module Implementation Toolkit:
- Module 1: Background on Peer Support Specialist Programs and Introduction to the Toolkit
- Module 2: Building Collaborative Partnerships to Establish Peer Support Specialist Programs
- Module 3: Program Development Strategies to Implement Effective Peer Support Specialist Programs
- Module 4: Strategies for Developing the Peer Support Specialist Workforce
Visit the NCSACW website for more.
National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI)
- “Supporting Transition to Work as a Child Welfare Retention Strategy” [Infographic]
- Thriving Families Safer Children Equitable Compensation Taskforce Report
- Work With Purpose Child Welfare Professional Recruitment Toolkit
Visit the NCWWI website for more.
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)
- National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) Child File, FFY 2022
- Neglect and Prevention Policies (NAPP) Data
Visit the NDACAN website for more.
Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Analytics (QIC-WA)
- QIC-WA Tribal Factsheet
- QIC-WA Tribal Information Session [Webinar recording]
Visit the QIC-WA website for more.
Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development (QIC-WD)
- Final QIC-WD Newsletter
- Frontline Job Redesign
- Onboarding
- Umbrella Summary: Public Service Motivation
- Workforce Research Catalog [Tool]
Visit the QIC-WD website for more.
Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency (QIC-EY)
- “QIC-EY NOW: Create Opportunities for Children & Youth to be Successful even in the Lighter Moments” [Video]
- “QIC-EY NOW: Advocating Starts With Listening” [Video]
- “QIC-EY NOW: Effective Advocacy Relies on Flexibility & Self-Awareness” [Video]
- “QIC-EY NOW: Seeing All that is Amazing about Children & Youth” [Video]
Visit the QIC-EY website for more.
Quality Improvement Center on Family-Centered Reunification (QIC-R)
Visit the QIC-R website for more.
Quality Improvement Center on Tailored Services, Placement Stability, and Permanency for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Two-Spirit Children and Youth in Foster Care (QIC-LGBTQ2S) at the National Center for Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression (SOGIE Center)
- "Adapting Family Finding & Engagement Practices for LGBTQ+ Young People" [e-learning]
- “Reframing the Narrative of Substance Use and Risk Among LGBTQ+ Communities” [Blog post]
Visit the QIC-LGBTQ2S on the SOGIE Center website for more.
- “Growing Together: How a Family of Five Adopted a Teen They Knew” [Blog post]
- “The Most Popular Child Welfare Resources for Professionals” [Article]
Visit the AdoptUSKids website for more.
James Bell Associates
- Child Welfare Measures Library
- The Future of Child Welfare Reform [Podcast series]
- Incorporating Lived Experience Into Child Welfare Capacity Building
Visit the James Bell Associates website for more.
Child Welfare Research
In this section, we highlight recent studies, literature reviews, and other research on child welfare topics.
- Study Examines County-Level Associations Between Food Insecurity and Child Maltreatment Risk
Study Examines County-Level Associations Between Food Insecurity and Child Maltreatment Risk
Child welfare literature often suggests there is a connection between food insecurity and child maltreatment risk. A new county-level analysis aims to build on existing literature and expand findings to general populations, given that many previous studies are limited to urban, low-income, high-risk populations.
The 2023 analysis in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence is the first to report county-level associations between food insecurity and child maltreatment risk, according to the researchers. It features data that cover more than 96 percent of U.S. counties from 2009 to 2018. Researchers gathered data from national sources, including child maltreatment risk records, community food insecurity estimates from Map the Meal Gap, and census data. Researchers examined food insecurity and child maltreatment risk by analyzing both within-community longitudinal changes (within-effects) and intercommunity differences (between-effects).
In looking at between-effects, researchers found higher food insecurity was significantly associated with increased child maltreatment risk, with findings being consistent by age, sex, maltreatment type, and urbanicity. Within-effects indicate that food insecurity rates and child maltreatment risk rates differed significantly by urbanicity. Increased food insecurity was associated with increased maltreatment risk in large urban areas, but not in small urban and rural counties.
Researchers discuss data implications in the analysis, including the following:
- The study provides evidence supporting community-based interventions in food-insecure communities to address high rates of food insecurity and child maltreatment.
- The study provides evidence supporting a positive community-level relationship between food insecurity and child maltreatment reporting in the general population, indicating the potential benefits of large-scale policy efforts to lower food insecurity rates.
- Food insecurity screening among professionals working with children and families may help with early intervention among families who are at risk.
- Multidisciplinary efforts between nutrition, child welfare, public health, medical, and educational professionals may promote health and well-being among families.
The analysis also indicates that more research is needed to do the following:
- Understand protective and risk functions of urban-rural contexts
- Consider the racial and ethnic contexts of food insecurity
- Understand what drives longitudinal changes in child maltreatment risk rates
For more information, read the study analysis in "Community Food Insecurity and Child Maltreatment Reports: County-Level Analysis of U.S. National Data From 2009 to 2018."
- Home Visiting Programs as Child Maltreatment Prevention
Home Visiting Programs as Child Maltreatment Prevention
Home visiting programs can equip new parents with the tools and support they need to provide safe, loving homes for their children. A 2022 issue brief from Casey Family Programs explores the evidence that home visiting programs can be effective in reducing child maltreatment.
There are different types of home visiting programs, but generally, a nurse or social worker conducts regular visits with expecting parents and parents of young children to provide information and guidance about parenting skills, maternal and child health, child development, and more. According to the brief, a strong body of evidence indicates there are many benefits to home visiting programs, including the following:
- Preventing child maltreatment
- Supporting child and maternal health
- Supporting child development and school readiness
- Improving economic self-sufficiency
- Promoting positive parenting practices
The brief outlines several home visiting models that have specifically demonstrated a reduction in child maltreatment:
- Health Access Nurturing Development Services
- Healthy Families America
- Nurse-Family Partnership
- Parents as Teachers
- Promoting First Relationships
- SafeCare
While these programs differ in structure, duration, and frequency, there are some commonalities across each model. All programs teach parenting skills, help with referrals to address postpartum depression, help with navigating community services, screen children for developmental delays, and facilitate early diagnosis and interventions. The brief details specific information about each program, including its population of focus, program duration, and maltreatment outcomes.
More information is available in the brief, Are Home Visiting Programs Effective in Reducing Child Maltreatment?
Related item: The Capacity Building Center fort States recently released the new resource Programs and Services in Approved State Prevention Program Plans, which provides a snapshot of the title-IV-E-approved services and programs that jurisdictions are implementing. Data is sorted by program name, type of service, Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse rating, and location.
- Using Human-Centered Design to Improve Human Services Programs
Using Human-Centered Design to Improve Human Services Programs
A recent brief from the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation explores how human-centered design may be used to address complex challenges faced by child welfare agencies and other human services sectors. Human-centered design is a problem-solving approach that involves working with those who will eventually use the solution. In a child welfare context, this could involve partnering with families to improve programs the families will ultimately use.
Originating in the technology sector, human-centered design in human services is a novel concept, according to the brief. However, considering the complex challenges faced by the humans services sector, human-centered design may promote effective, efficient, and compassionate service delivery. Some challenges in human services that human-centered design may help address include funding constraints, leadership and staffing problems, operating under competing demands, and changing regulatory requirements.
The brief defines human-centered design as a process and mindset, differentiates it from similar design and problem-solving approaches, and describes how the process is currently being used in human services. It outlines six key principles of human-centered design:
- Understand who the end users are and their perspectives
- Engage with end users throughout a process
- Test solutions and revise them based on end user feedback
- Use an iterative, not linear, approach and revisit earlier steps as needed
- Consider the full context and experience of the end user and the solution
- Collaborate across disciplines
The brief includes three case examples that provide details on the use of human-centered design in human services: the Multnomah Idea Lab in Oregon, the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit in Pennsylvania, and the Kentucky Governor’s Office of Early Childhood and the Kentucky Division of Child Care.
The report, A Review of Human-Centered Design in Human Services, is available on the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation's website.
Strategies and Tools for Practice
This section of CBX offers publications, articles, reports, toolkits, and other resources that provide evidence-based strategies or other concrete help to child welfare and related professionals.
- Interactive Desk Guide Outlines Evidence-Based Programs to Support Families
Interactive Desk Guide Outlines Evidence-Based Programs to Support Families
Chapin Hall's Evidence-Based Programs Desk Guide 2023 describes evidence-based programs that have been rated as "well-supported" by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse. It is designed to help caseworkers connect families with evidence-based programs or practices related to mental health treatment, substance use prevention and treatment, and in-home parent skill-based programs.
The 39-page, interactive guide features 17 programs and services organized alphabetically:
- Brief Strategic Family Therapy
- Familias Unidas
- Families First (Utah Youth Village Model)
- Family Check-Up
- Functional Family Therapy
- GenerationPMTo – Group
- Guiding Good Choices
- Healthy Families America
- Homebuilders – Intensive Family Preservation and Reunification Services
- Intercept
- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Multisystemic Therapy
- Nurse-Family Partnership
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
- Parents as Teacher
- Strong African American Families
The guide includes a page for each program that provides a program overview and details eligible participants, program goals, bulleted quick facts about the program for families, and cultural relevance. It also includes a fillable page for each program where guide users can add agency- and state-specific information about relevant assessment items, how to make a referral, and current service providers for the program.
The guide is available on the Chapin Hall website.
- Advocacy Tool Provides Guidance on Supporting Kinship Families
Advocacy Tool Provides Guidance on Supporting Kinship Families
In February 2024, Generations United, the ABA Center on Children and the Law, and Think of Us released Kinship Unity Action Agenda, an advocacy tool with guidance on supporting kinship families. The tool is an amalgamation of ideas and action items stemming from a February 2023 gathering of national advocates led by Generations United’s National Center on Grandfamilies.
During the convening—the fifth in a series held since 1997—professionals, those with lived experience, and others identified key policy opportunities to ensure the diverse and unique needs of kinship families are met. The resulting action agenda incorporates feedback from the gathering and additional focus groups to comprehensively reflect the needs and concerns of kin caregivers. It builds on recommendations in the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers.
The action agenda is a comprehensive tool featuring a summary of results from the kinship unity convening, goals, accomplishments, core values, principles, and priorities. The priorities are encompassed by the umbrella priority that government systems are held accountable to prioritize and support kinship families. In addition to this overarching priority, the agenda outlines several collective action priorities:
- Ensure kin caregivers receive equitable financial and other support.
- Ensure policies meet kin caregivers' basic needs.
- Integrate lived experience into policy review, design, and implementation.
- Ensure racial, ethnic, and cultural equity.
- Respect and support tribal sovereignty.
- Ensure that child welfare systems value and support kinship families.
- Ensure kin caregivers have high-quality, affordable legal representation.
- Work to improve the public narrative on kinship care.
- Develop specialized programs to support kin caregivers.
- Enhance research related to kinship care and use it to address inequities.
Generations United released a video to accompany the agenda, explore its key highlights and priorities, and elevate testimonies from lived experts. Presentation slides from the video are also available.
In this section, we present interesting resources, such as websites, videos, journals, funding or scholarship opportunities, or other materials, that can be used in the field or with families.
- New Resource Emphasizes Value of Parent Voice
New Resource Emphasizes Value of Parent Voice
A new webpage from ZERO to THREE explores how integrating parent voice into child welfare policy and practice can help families and children involved in the child welfare system.
It focuses on the perspectives of parent leaders from the ZERO to THREE Safe Babies program. Parent leaders are parents who have lived experience navigating the reunification process within the child welfare and family court systems, no longer have open cases, and now exemplify personal and family stability. For these reasons, parent leaders are uniquely qualified to do the following:
- Provide guidance and support to families currently involved in the child welfare system
- Affect positive system change at the community, state, and national levels by contributing their and representing a collective parent voice to help shape and transform programs and services
The resource links to a new ZERO to THREE publication, which emphasizes the notion that parent leaders are essential for strong child welfare systems. It also presents valuable insights from several parent leaders, one of whom appears in a short, 2-minute video highlighting the importance of parent voice.
To learn more, visit the ZERO to THREE website.
- What'sOK? Help for Teens and Young Adults
What'sOK? Help for Teens and Young Adults
What'sOk is a child sex abuse prevention website and helpline for young people that aims to deter sexually harmful behaviors. This resource, offered by Stop It Now!, provides a platform that empowers individuals to voice their questions and concerns, find support, and learn about accountability, responsibility, and safety for themselves and other children and youth.
What'sOk offers free, confidential help and resources tailored to youth and young adults concerned about their own or another person's sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Resources cover a variety of topics such as understanding dating and relationships, boundaries and consent, sexual content and media, and more.
Visitors to the site can also explore the blog, which provides answers to common questions and some real questions and experiences, shared with permission and anonymity, from teens and young adults who reached out to What'sOk.
For an overview of the development of this prevention resource, see this article from the Association for the Treatment & Prevention of Sexual Abuse. To learn more, visit the What'sOk website.
Training and Conferences
Find trainings, webinars, workshops, and other opportunities for professionals and families to learn about how to improve the lives of children and youth as well as a listing of upcoming events and conferences.
- Free Training Builds Adoption and Mental Health Workforce Capacity
Free Training Builds Adoption and Mental Health Workforce Capacity
The National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) is a nationally recognized training developed by the Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.) to enhance the adoption competency of the child welfare and mental health workforce. This free, web-based training was designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to better address the mental health and developmental needs of children in foster, adoptive, or kinship families, thereby also improving overall well-being and permanency outcomes.
The NTI offers two interactive self-paced trainings for child welfare professionals and supervisors and another curriculum for mental health professionals. Information about enrollment options for individuals and organizations, including the availability of continuing education credits and/or a certificate of completion, can be found on this C.A.S.E. webpage.
To learn more, visit the C.A.S.E. website and read a recent blog post that discusses the center’s various training opportunities.
- Conferences
Upcoming conferences and events on child welfare and adoption include the following:
- Trauma-Informed Parenting for Adoptive Parents (Part 2)
National Council For Adoption and Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Virtual, April 2 - ABA National Conference on Access to Justice
American Bar Association (ABA) Center on Children and the Law
McLean, VA, April 9–10
- ABA Parent Representation Conference
ABA Center on Children and the Law
McLean, VA, April 11–12
- AMCHP 2024 Annual Conference
Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP)
Oakland, CA, and Virtual, April 13–16
- CWLA 2024 National Conference
Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)
Washington, DC, April 17–19
- 29th Children’s Justice Conference
Washington State’s Children’s Justice Task Force
Spokane, WA, April 22–23
- NAA 2024 National Conference
National Adoption Association (NAA)
Los Angeles, CA, April 25–26
- 2024 Human Services Workforce Development Evaluation Symposium
UCLA Agile Visual Analytics Lab
Los Angeles, CA, May 1–3 - FFTA 20th Annual Public Policy Institute
Family Focused Treatment Association (FFTA)
Washington, DC, May 6–7 - 2024 National Title IV-E Roundtable
Vermont Child Welfare Training Partnership
Burlington, VT, May 21–23 - "Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures: FASD, Trauma, and Child Welfare"
Virtual, May 29
- APHSA National Human Services Summit 2024
American Public Human Services Association (APHSA)
Arlington, VA, June 9–12 - National Adoption Conference
National Council for Adoption
Fort Worth, TX, June 26–28
- FFTA 38th Annual Conference
Denver, CO, July 7–10 - "Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures: FASD Assessment and Intervention"
Virtual, July 24
- "Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures: Multi-System Collaboration and Family Care Plans"
Virtual, August 7 - NACC's 47th National Child Welfare Law Conference
National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC)
Salt Lake City, UT, and Virtual, August 12–14
- Trauma-Informed Parenting for Adoptive Parents (Part 2)