Sept/Oct 2006Vol. 7, No. 7News From the Children's Bureau
Issue Spotlight
- Comments Invited on Proposed Chafee National Youth in Transition Database
Comments Invited on Proposed Chafee National Youth in Transition Database
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is proposing new regulations that will require States to collect and report data to ACF on youth who receive independent living services and on outcomes for certain youth in foster care or those who age out of foster care. This proposed rule implements the data collection requirements of the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999, which established the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program.
Interested persons may submit comments on the rule. Comments must be received by September 12, 2006. (link no longer available)
- Connecting Adoptive Families With Waiting Children
Connecting Adoptive Families With Waiting Children
AdoptUsKids has published a new guidebook, Finding a Fit That Will Last a Lifetime: A Guide to Connecting Adoptive Families With Waiting Children. The guide was written to help caseworkers effectively work through the process of matching adoptive families with children in need of permanent homes. It provides caseworkers with information and practice tips on family preparation, family profiles, child profiles, the decision-making process, and postplacement support. (PDF - 374 KB)
- Child Welfare Information Gateway Takes Off
Child Welfare Information Gateway Takes Off
Since its opening on June 20, Child Welfare Information Gateway has proven to be a popular destination for child welfare professionals. As a service of the Children's Bureau, Child Welfare Information Gateway consolidates and expands upon the resources formerly provided by the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information and the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse.
Exhibits of the new website and materials at recent national conferences have been well-received, as child welfare and adoption professionals have applauded the clean look and user-friendly features. Other professionals have encountered the Information Gateway website for the first time after being redirected from one of the former Clearinghouse websites. Reported experiences have been very positive, as users have appreciated the streamlined organization and accessibility of resources. In fact, the number of website visits jumped from 22,000 per day in June to more than 32,000 visits per day in July, after the website's debut.
With its new name, website, and resources, Child Welfare Information Gateway is positioned to provide one-stop access to information services on every aspect of child welfare—from prevention to permanency. Child welfare professionals will find print and electronic publications, online databases, subscription services, and an extensive library. Almost all services and materials are free and can be downloaded or ordered online.
Visit the website today to stay connected!
- Child Welfare 1 Year After Katrina
Child Welfare 1 Year After Katrina
At the 1-year anniversary of the devastation of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Federal initiatives for child welfare continue to be developed. Some of the recent events include a Children's Bureau Hurricane Summit, waivers from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for childcare, and a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
Hurricane Summit—Entitled "Answering the Call: Extraordinary Services for Extraordinary Times: Recovery and Resilience," this was the fourth Collaboration to AdoptUSKids Foster Care Summit hosted by the Adoption Exchange Association and sponsored by the Children's Bureau. Workshops focused on disaster management for child welfare agencies, building on the lessons learned from agencies and workers who coped with the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. General sessions included:
- Rescue, Recovery, and Rebuilding
- Building and Maintaining Resilient Child Welfare Systems
- Secondary Traumatic Stress—Assessing the Risk and Taking Steps to Protect Your Staff
Some of the most moving movements came from the personal stories shared by the workers in the hurricane-affected States. A standing ovation greeted the Louisiana workers who were in the crowd. Many had lost their own homes and belongings but stayed on to staff the shelters for others.
Childcare Waivers—HHS has approved waivers for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas to access $60 million for childcare services in support of hurricane recovery efforts. The waivers lift Federal requirements for State matching funds in order for States to receive Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) money."Federal Action Needed to Ensure States Have Plans to Safeguard Children in the Child Welfare System Displaced by Disasters"—This GAO report provides information on the number of States that have disaster plans for child welfare services, basic components of these plans, the extent to which States that experienced 2005 disasters had plans at the time, and HHS efforts to support States in the development of child welfare plans for disaster response. Information on HHS efforts to encourage States to develop plans—not currently required by Federal law—and HHS guidance for such plans are included. (PDF - 885 KB)Related Items
The following are other recently released resources for agency disaster planning:
- How Can Social Programs Respond to a Major Disaster? available from the Urban Institute: - The National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice and Permanency Planning's Disaster Preparedness and Relief webpage:
- New Information Gateway Adoption Products
New Information Gateway Adoption Products
Child Welfare Information Gateway recently posted four adoption products on its website for free download or online ordering. Each offers new or substantially revised information. Visit the Information Gateway website to view:
- The Basics of Adoption Practice—a new bulletin for professionals
- The Basics of Adoption Practice—a new bulletin for professionals
- Intercountry Adoption: Where Do I Start?—an updated factsheet for families
- Intercountry Adoption: Where Do I Start?—an updated factsheet for families
- Postadoption Services—an updated factsheet for families
- Postadoption Services—an updated factsheet for families
- Selecting and Working With an Adoption Therapist—an updated factsheet for families
- The Roundtable Online
The Roundtable Online
The latest issue of The Roundtable, the electronic newsletter published by the National Child Welfare Resource Center for Adoption, leads off with an informative article by Penny Maza, Ph.D., Senior Policy Research Analyst on the Data Team at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Children's Bureau. The article provides statistics on the increase in relative adoptions, using data from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS). Other articles in the newsletter expand on the theme of kinship adoption and the important role that kin play in providing permanency to vulnerable children. (PDF - 1,270 KB)
- Quality Improvement Center Launched
Quality Improvement Center Launched
The National Quality Improvement Center on the Privatization of Child Welfare Services (QIC PCW) is a 5-year knowledge development initiative through a cooperative agreement among the Children's Bureau, the University of Kentucky College of Social Work, and Planning and Learning Technologies, Inc. The QIC PCW's website features basic information on privatization efforts, a program description, and other resources. A listing of research activities and an online discussion board are also planned for the site.
The QIC PCW is conducting a national needs assessment and knowledge gap analysis on privatization of services. From this, a topical focus will be selected for research and demonstration projects in FY 2006–2007. Applications will be available on the website this fall.
- New Information Packet on Repeat Maltreatment
New Information Packet on Repeat Maltreatment
The National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice and Permanency Planning has released an information packet on the issue of responding to repeat maltreatment. The 12-page packet includes a summary of recent statistics, best practice tips, examples of model programs, a review of legislation and policy, and a bibliography. (PDF - 228 KB)
- National Adoption Month Website
National Adoption Month Website
In anticipation of National Adoption Month in November, the 2006 National Adoption Month website, funded by the Children's Bureau, is now available. Partners in developing and launching the website include the Adoption Exchange Association, the Collaboration to AdoptUsKids, and Child Welfare Information Gateway. The website's early launch will help adoption agencies, parent groups, and States plan their November celebrations.
The theme of this year's National Adoption Month comes from the Adoption Exchange Association and the Collaboration to AdoptUsKids' national recruitment campaign promoting the adoption of teens from foster care. The tagline claims, "You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. There are thousands of teens in foster care who would love to put up with you." Clips from the public service announcements developed by the Ad Council illustrate the new website. Recruitment efforts are highlighted throughout the site to encourage America's families to "answer the call" to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of our nation's children, especially older children.
Highlights of the 2006 National Adoption Month website include:
- Links to resources to assist professionals with achieving permanency for children and youth in foster care
- Strategies and tools to help professionals recruit, prepare, and retain foster and adoptive families for children waiting for adoptive families
- Information on adopting older children, sibling groups, children from minority groups, and children with disabilities
- Spanish resources for prospective adoptive parents, including the National Adoption Directory search in Spanish
Visit the website to begin planning your National Adoption Month festivities:
- New AFCARS Report Highlights Positive Trends
New AFCARS Report Highlights Positive Trends
The most recent data from the Children's Bureau's Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) show (1) reductions in the number of children in foster care and in the number awaiting adoption in FY 2004 and (2) an increase in the number of children adopted from foster care during that year. These statistics reflect the increasingly positive trends found for children in foster care for the last several years.
The new statistics are part of AFCARS Report #11, released in June. This report includes preliminary estimates of data submitted by States for FY 2004. AFCARS collects case-level information on all children in State foster care and on children who are adopted under the auspices of the State's public child welfare agency. The data available through the system include the number and characteristics of children in care (age, gender, and ethnicity), length of time in care, placement setting, case plan goals, and outcomes for children who exited care.
AFCARS reports can be found on the Children's Bureau website:
Related Items
AFCARS Toolkit
The National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology's AFCARS Toolkit provides State child welfare program and system staff with an orientation to AFCARS and links to key materials and documents related to the collection of quality data.
Placement Change Definitions Implementation Guide
This guide from the Child Welfare League of America and the National Working Group to Improve Child Welfare Data is designed to assist States in interpreting Federal guidance and AFCARS definitions more consistently.[Editor's note: this link no longer exists]
- Worker Recruitment and Retention Project in North Carolina
Worker Recruitment and Retention Project in North Carolina
In an effort to improve the recruitment, selection, and retention of child welfare workers, researchers from the Jordan Institute for Families at the University of North Carolina (UNC) are developing and testing a multicomponent model of workforce development. The goal is to create a more competent and stable child welfare workforce, which will positively affect outcomes for children and families.
The new workforce development model incorporates recruitment resources, selection activities, training, and research and evaluation tasks. Components include:
- A realistic job preview video that can be used to recruit or screen applicants
- A recruitment toolkit that includes public service announcements, posters, fliers, and brochures
- A competency-based selection process to help agencies hire competent staff
- Training for supervisors and agency directors on recruitment and hiring
- Training on the development of a retention team and use of a retention toolkit
- A curriculum that includes handouts, worksheets, and resources
- A research and evaluation component that involves surveying workers before and after training, as well as throughout the year, and compiling administrative statistics on every child welfare position at regular intervals
The model is currently being field-tested in 17 counties in North Carolina. Data collected will provide information on changes in the test counties from baseline to after training, as well as in comparison with 17 similar counties that are not receiving training.
Some of the challenges of this project have resulted from attempts to gather data from 34 different county agencies with various levels of technological resources and different levels of commitment to the project. However, the promise of new, more effective materials and training has proven to be attractive to many county child welfare agencies.
The project is funded through September 2008. It is hoped that evaluation data at that time will show the positive impact of the model in terms of increased stability and competency of the North Carolina child welfare workforce.
For more information about UNC's Child Welfare Staff Recruitment and Retention: An Evidence-Based Training Model, contact:
Jordan Institute for Families
UNC Chapel Hill School of Social Work
301 Pittsboro St., CB #3550
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3550
919.962.6407Child Welfare Staff Recruitment and Retention: An Evidence-Based Training Model project is funded by the Children's Bureau, Grant 90CT0114, under the Children's Bureau Priority Area: Developing Models of Effective Child Welfare Staff Recruitment and Retention Training. This article is part of a series highlighting successful Children's Bureau Discretionary Grant-funded projects around the country, emerging from official Children's Bureau site visits.
Related Item
As part of its Human Services Workforce Initiative, Cornerstones for Kids recently issued a new publication, Toward a High Quality Child Welfare Workforce: Six Doable Steps, available on the Cornerstones website: (PDF - 415 KB)
Recent Issues
Child Welfare Research
Review this months research
- Wide-Ranging Impacts of ASFA
Wide-Ranging Impacts of ASFA
The 1997 passage of the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) has had significant impacts on the timeliness of permanency decisions for children in foster care. Three recent research papers examined the specific effects of ASFA on (1) substance abuse treatment for Oregon mothers, (2) permanency decisions for children of parents with mental illness, and (3) dependency courts' permanency decisions for children of substance-abusing parents.
"Understanding Patterns of Substance Abuse Treatment for Women Involved With Child Welfare: The Influence of the Adoption and Safe Families Act," suggests that ASFA's influence on timely permanency decisions has prompted improvements in the substance abuse delivery system. In many cases, treatment services are delivered more quickly, and there is increased likelihood that parents receive appropriate services. The authors base their conclusions on their study of 1,911 Oregon mothers involved with substance abuse and child welfare. This article is available in the May 2006 issue of the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse:
[Editor's note: This link is no longer available.]
"Mental Health Issues and the Foster Care System: An Examination of the Impact of the Adoption and Safe Families Act" explores 30 foster care appellate court cases from Virginia in which mental health issues were presented into evidence. In the 14 cases decided before the passage of ASFA, 79 percent resulted in termination of parental rights (TPR). All 16 cases decided after the enactment of ASFA resulted in TPR. The authors discuss the results in terms of the need for therapists to understand ASFA requirements and the influence of parental behaviors on courts' TPR decisions. This article appeared in the April 2006 issue of the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.
Parental Substance Abuse, Child Protection and ASFA: Implications for Policy Makers and Practitioners examines how dependency courts are making permanency decisions under ASFA. The authors surveyed judges and community professionals, conducted a legal analysis, and studied five courts with special dependency case strategies. Findings point to the importance of early identification and treatment of parents with substance abuse in order to meet ASFA timelines. This report is available on the website of the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law:
[Editor's note: This link is no longer available.]
- First Child Welfare Law Specialists Certified
First Child Welfare Law Specialists Certified
The National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) recently certified 85 attorneys as child welfare law specialists—the first attorneys in the country to receive this certification. Child welfare law specialists represent children, parents, and State child welfare agencies.
The American Bar Association recognized Child Welfare Law as a specialty in 2001, and in 2004, NACC was accredited as the certifying body. The Children's Bureau then sponsored the NACC's pilot program in California, Michigan, and New Mexico.
Details about the program can be found on the NACC website:
- Enhancing Unmarried Couple Relationships to Improve Parenting
Enhancing Unmarried Couple Relationships to Improve Parenting
Intervention programs designed to strengthen unmarried couples' relationships and to promote healthy marriage could potentially further strengthen families by increasing positive parenting for young children, according to a recent study. While the association between a positive partner relationship and better outcomes for children has been shown in extensive research with married couples, this study found similar results with unmarried biological parents.
Longitudinal data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study were used to explore relationship quality and parenting in 732 married and 1,351 romantically involved but unmarried couples. Both mothers and fathers were interviewed shortly after the birth of their child and 1 year later. Interviews included measures of supportiveness and conflict in the relationship and, at 1 year, measures of engagement with the child and harsh punishment.
A number of findings attest to the spillover effect of parents' relationship skills on parenting and child well-being:
- Supportiveness in the parents' relationship was associated with higher engagement with the child for both married and unmarried couples.
- Relationship quality was just as important for parents having a second or third child as for parents having a first child.
- The effects of relationship quality on parenting were similar for both mothers and fathers.
- Married couples showed a slightly higher relationship quality than unmarried couples.
The authors suggest that programs designed to strengthen couples' relationship skills and to encourage marriage could potentially result in an increase in positive parenting for young children.
The full report, "Strengthening Unmarried Families: Could Enhancing Couple Relationships Also Improve Parenting?" by M. J. Carlson and S. S. McLanahan, appears in the June 2006 issue of Social Service Review 80(2).
Related Items
Children's Bureau Express ( examined the impact of marriage on parenting in the following articles:
- "Supporting Marriage to Improve Child Well-Being" (March 2006)
- "ACF Releases New Report on Healthy Marriage Initiative" (July/August 2005)
- "New Studies Show Marriage Improves Living Standards for Children" (December 2002/January 2003)
- Placement Stability Factors
Placement Stability Factors
Chapin Hall Center for Children has released a new report, A Study of Placement Stability in Illinois, that suggests that the average number of placements for children in foster care could be reduced if children were placed with siblings or relatives for their first placement. The report details the findings from the first phase of a multiyear study examining the prevalence, nature, and predictors of placement instability in substitute care in Illinois.
Administrative data analyses of the placement histories of more than 200,000 children in care combined with findings from a web-based survey of 1,192 child welfare caseworkers revealed that placement movement was due to a mix of factors and circumstances. Workers reported that over 75 percent of children's most recent placement moves were due, at least in part, to foster parents' inability or unwillingness to continue fostering. The study also found that, while placement in relative foster homes and placement with siblings significantly reduced the likelihood of subsequent placement instability, a large percentage of prior moves had been attributed to efforts to move children to these types of placements. Initial placement of children with relatives could reduce some of this movement.
Other recommendations made by workers to reduce placement instability included providing foster families with family-centered services and caregiver assistance and providing children with mental health services and case management.
The full report, by A. Zinn, J. DeCoursey, R. Goerge, and M. Courtney, is available on the Chapin Hall website:
Strategies and Tools for Practice
- Casey Recruits for New Breakthrough Series Collaborative
Casey Recruits for New Breakthrough Series Collaborative
Casey Family Programs is sponsoring a Breakthrough Series Collaborative on Improving Educational Continuity and School Stability for Children in Out-of-Home Care. Public child welfare agencies and Tribal agencies will be selected to share knowledge, challenges, and successes over the course of 1 year. Agencies must demonstrate a commitment to improving educational continuity and school stability and be willing to identify, develop, and test potentially promising strategies for improving practices in their child welfare and education systems. The agencies will be selected through a competitive application process. The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Monday, October 2, 2006.
The application and more information about this project are available on the Casey website:
For more information, contact Kary James:
- Population Served May Explain Home Visiting Results
Population Served May Explain Home Visiting Results
A recent evaluation of the Healthy Families New York (HFNY) home visiting program offers a possible explanation for some of the discrepant findings from home visiting programs around the country. While randomized trials of programs involving home visits by nurses have demonstrated positive effects for reducing child maltreatment, randomized trials of paraprofessional home visitation programs have found little effect on child maltreatment. The HFNY study suggests that the differential impact of home visiting programs on parenting outcomes may be due to characteristics of the parent populations served by each program.
The HFNY study examined parenting behaviors for 1,173 families at risk for child abuse and neglect who were randomly assigned to the home visiting intervention or to a control group that received traditional services. The researchers analyzed the impacts of HFNY enrollment on child maltreatment at the target child's first and second birthdays for the sample as a whole as well as for two subgroups: (1) women younger than 19 years who joined the program while they were pregnant with their first child and (2) mothers classified as psychologically vulnerable.
The results to date show that HFNY's home visiting intervention had positive effects on a number of different forms of self-reported child abuse and neglect for the sample overall. These included very serious physical abuse, neglect, minor physical aggression, and psychological abuse when the child was 1 year old, and serious physical abuse at age 2. The program was particularly effective for the subgroups of young, first-time mothers enrolled while pregnant and psychologically vulnerable mothers. Specifically:
- At the target child's second birthday, the young, first-time mothers who had participated in home visiting since their pregnancy were substantially less likely to report engaging in minor physical aggression against their children and in harsh parenting, compared to their counterparts in the control group and compared to the more diverse group of mothers in both the intervention and control groups.
- Psychologically vulnerable mothers (those with limited intellectual functioning, mental health, and sense of control over their lives) in the intervention group were only about a quarter as likely to report engaging in acts of serious abuse or neglect when compared to similar mothers in the control group.
These results suggest that targeting young women who have not yet had an opportunity to abuse or neglect a child by providing them with home visiting services early in their first pregnancy may help prevent abuse and neglect. Likewise, targeting psychologically vulnerable women may buffer these women against committing child abuse or neglect.
The HFNY study also reports on a possible surveillance bias that may explain why no reduction in CPS reports was found. At their child's first birthday, intervention families who self-reported serious abuse and neglect were more likely to have CPS reports (43 percent) than control group families who self-reported similar rates of serious abuse or neglect (18 percent had CPS reports). Thus, enrollment in the HFNY program and the increased scrutiny by home visitors and other providers may artificially inflate the rate of CPS reports for intervention families.
The HFNY program and evaluation are ongoing. Researchers recommend prioritizing the populations that benefit the most, as well as exploring ways to enhance the model to better serve families with multiple needs.
The evaluation of HFNY is supported in part by grants from the Children's Bureau in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. To read the full report, Healthy Families New York (HFNY) Randomized Trial: Impacts on Parenting After the First Two Years, by K. A. DuMont, S. Mitchell-Herzfeld, R. Greene, E. Lee, A. Lowenfels, and M. Rodriguez, view the PDF: (PDF - 625 KB)
Related Item
Children's Bureau Express last reported on the HFNY program in "Recognition for Healthy Families New York" (April 2006).
- Child Welfare Partnership
Child Welfare Partnership
An ongoing partnership between the Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania has resulted in a number of positive reforms to the city's child welfare system. A report from the Fels Institute describes the development and work of the partnership between DHS project managers and university graduate students and faculty in four areas:
- Implementation of a performance-based contracting (PBC) model for foster care services delivered by provider agencies under contract to DHS
- Development of the DHS Permanency Initiative, involving extensive efforts to promote permanency outcomes for children in foster care
- Projects and research that grew out of the Permanency Initiative, such as a child-specific permanency timeline
- Lessons learned for performance management from the partnership
The work of the partnership has had positive results for the children of Philadelphia. Many service providers that contract with DHS are meeting or exceeding PBC expectations. Most importantly, an increase in adoptions and reunifications has led to a reduction in the population of children in the child welfare system.
To read the full report, Philadelphia Department of Human Services & Fels Institute Child Welfare Partnership: Implementing Performance Management and Enabling Partnership in Child Welfare, by A. Hollingworth and J. A. Roth, visit the Fels Institute website:
[Editor's note: this link no longer exists]
- Foster Family Assessments
Foster Family Assessments
Casey Family Programs offers Casey Foster Family Assessments, a suite of free online tools to help workers assess foster parent applicants' strengths and training needs in the areas of foster child development, caring for challenging children, co-parenting, and much more. The tools have been tested with experienced foster parents and workers and are designed to guide further assessment of applicants and plan for training and support.
To view the Foster Family Assessment website, visit:
- A Guide to Working With African-American Families
A Guide to Working With African-American Families
The Minnesota Department of Human Services has a new publication to help social workers address the overrepresentation of African-American children and their families involved in child protective services. A Practice Guide for Working With African American Families in the Child Welfare System: The Role of the Caseworker in Identifying, Developing, and Supporting Strengths in African American Families Involved in Child Protection Services seeks to foster a strengths-based approach to working with these families and provides a practice model that supports identifying and building on a family's existing strengths and skills.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Hispanic Initiative
Big Brothers Big Sisters Hispanic Initiative
Big Brothers Big Sisters is launching a new initiative to connect with Hispanic communities and volunteers in order to better serve Latino children and families. Features include a new Spanish website, Spanish public service announcements, and an increased presence in the Hispanic community.
- A New Magazine for Parents With CPS Involvement
A New Magazine for Parents With CPS Involvement
Rise is a magazine written by and for parents who have been involved with New York City's child welfare system. Its mission is to provide parents with true stories about the system's role in families' lives and information that will help parents advocate for themselves and their children.
Most of the stories were written by participants in a writing group run by the Child Welfare Organizing Project (CWOP) and Represent magazine. CWOP is an advocacy program that teaches parents about their rights.
Recent issues and additional information can be accessed on the Youth Communication website:
- New Statistics on Child Welfare Available
New Statistics on Child Welfare Available
Data from the Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2006 KIDS COUNT Data Book are now available in an online database. Users can access State-by-State profiles or compare specific data across multiple States. Results can be viewed as ranked lists, maps, or line graphs, or the entire data set can be downloaded as delimited text files. In addition, a free copy of the print Data Book can be ordered from the site.
The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics has released America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2006. Each year since 1997, the Forum has published this report that includes detailed information on the well-being of children and families. The Forum updates all data annually on its website and alternates publishing the more detailed report with a condensed version that highlights selected indicators. The Forum is publishing the Brief this year and will issue the more detailed report in July 2007.
- Federal Resources for Youth Development
Federal Resources for Youth Development
A new publication from America's Promise – The Alliance for Youth provides information on more than 100 Federal funding sources that are directly related to the core resources of youth development. The Guide to Federal Resources for Youth Development is designed to provide organizations with the information they need to apply for Federal funds.
Grant programs are listed by the department that operates the program and cross-referenced to one or more of the five core resources (caring adults, safe places, a healthy start and future, effective education, and opportunities to help others). Basic information on the Federal grant-making process is also provided. (PDF - 1,362 KB)
- Database of Evidence-Based Programs
Database of Evidence-Based Programs
The Evidence-Based Program Database, developed by the Ohio State University Center for Learning Excellence, contains a compilation of government, academic, and nonprofit evidence-based programs that address positive youth development. The searchable database contains information on evidence-based programs recommended by research-oriented government agencies, nonprofit agencies, and independent publications. These entities have evaluated evidence supporting each program's claims of effectiveness and have made program recommendations based on their findings.
[Editor's note: this link no longer exists]
Training and Conferences
Find trainings, workshops, webinars, and other opportunities for professionals and families to learn about how to improve the lives of children and youth as well as a listing of upcoming events and conferences.
- Online Course for Kinship Caregivers
Online Course for Kinship Caregivers
Foster Parent College is offering a new online course specifically designed for kinship caregivers. The course discusses several common issues in kinship care situations, including family feuds, allegiance to birth parents, and distance and defiant behavior in the kinship family.
Foster Parent College also offers an array of other training courses for adoptive, kinship, and foster parents that focus on specific behavior problems or emotional disorders in children, and explore practical solutions to the daily challenges parents face. Three courses on Positive Parenting are also available.
Foster Parent College courses are available as self-directed courses or scheduled instructor-led courses. Parents can purchase courses on their own, or agencies can purchase through an agency account and offer the training to parents.
- Opportunities for Early Childhood Professionals
Opportunities for Early Childhood Professionals
The Center for Early Education and Development (CEED) at the University of Minnesota offers training on topics such as infant mental health, assessing and handling children's challenging behavior, and relationship-based teaching with young children. Course content is tailored to meet the educational needs of early childhood educators, childcare workers, Head Start teachers, home visitors, special education teachers, social workers, psychologists, and other early childhood professionals.
Many courses are offered online and are self-paced, with online discussion and participation guided by instructors. Each course is accompanied by its own interactive CD-ROM containing course content, video clips, course notes, and information on supplemental readings. CEED can also provide training services to parent groups and professionals in early education, health care, social services, and mental health fields.
For complete information and a schedule of upcoming classes, visit the CEED website:
- Conferences
Upcoming national conferences on adoption and child welfare through January 2007 include:
- The 29th National Children's Law Conference
The Specialized Practice of Juvenile Law: Model Practice in Model Offices
National Association of Counsel for Children
October 12–15, Louisville, KY
- Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood: Rethinking the Safety Net for Vulnerable Young Adults
Chapin Hall Center for Children
October 18–19, Chicago, IL
- Alliance for Children & Families 2006 National Conference
Building Community Voices: Creating a Healthy Society and Strong Communities for All Children and Families
October 18–20, St. Louis, MO
- 2006 Conference on Differential Response in Child Welfare
The American Humane Association
November 13–14, San Diego, CA
- FFCMH 18th Annual Conference
Improving Outcomes Through Practice-Based Evidence: Youth & Families Speak Out!
Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
December 1–3, St. Louis, MO - ZERO TO THREE's 21st Annual National Training Institute
Sharing a Vision for Babies and Families
December 1–3, Albuquerque, NM
January 2007
- 21st Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
The Chadwick Center for Children and Families
January 22–26, San Diego, CA - The National Conference on Substance Abuse, Child Welfare, and the Courts
Putting the Pieces Together for Children and Families
Children and Family Futures
January 31–February 2, Anaheim, CA
Further details about national and regional adoption and child welfare conferences can be found through the "Conference Calendar Search" feature on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website:
- The 29th National Children's Law Conference