May 2006Vol. 7, No. 4Best Practices for CBCAP Peer Review
Title II of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) requires Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Programs (CBCAPs) to implement a peer review process in their States as one component of quality assurance and to help with program planning and improved practice. In collaboration with the CBCAP community, the FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention embarked on a project to collect current information about the use of peer review across the States in order to develop guidelines. The results are presented in a new publication, Peer Review in CBCAP: Current Activities and Best Practices for Building Stronger Peer Review. The report covers:
- Definition of peer review
- Purpose and principles
- Structural elements
- Strengths, benefits, and challenges
- Five steps and 10 strategies for a successful and meaningful peer review
Appendices include a State-by-State table of peer review activities, principles of family support, and additional resources. The report is available at:
Related Item
Also available on the FRIENDS site is a tool that helps child abuse prevention networks conduct a self-assessment of their regional network capacity. The Network Self-Assessment Tool is designed to assist a designated State Lead Agency (SLA) in conducting the assessment.
The tool is divided into four sections:
- Network development, including accountability, member recruitment, and communication
- Assessing needs and assets
- Training and technical assistance
- Public/community awareness and education
Find the tool on the FRIENDS website: