June 2009Vol. 10, No. 5CASA Program Results From Community Efforts
A recent Judges' Page online newsletter highlights the collaborative efforts of community members and judicial leaders to establish a successful court-appointed special advocate (CASA) program in five Kentucky counties. When citizens of several counties outside Louisville, KY, realized that Louisville had a successful CASA program in which volunteers advocated for children involved with the child welfare system, they asked for help in setting up their own programs. The Louisville CASA program board of directors worked with national and State CASA staff to establish an advisory board and launch the program.
One of the biggest lessons learned though this partnership was the importance of creating a collaborative venture through grassroots interest and involvement. Through the development of a strong advisory group, the desire of the community, and the cooperation of judges, 26 volunteers served 75 children from three counties in the first year of service. The success of this expanded program continues to spread to other nearby counties as well. Now more children have access to a CASA volunteer, and the new programs continue to look for ways to serve more children.
For additional information about this collaborative effort, visit the Judge’s Page, sponsored by National CASA and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges: