February 2010Vol. 11, No. 1Protecting Children Special Issue on Differential Response
American Humane's journal, Protecting Children, devoted a double issue in 2008 to the topic of differential response. The articles describe practices, issues, and outcomes from differential response programs around the country. The articles include:
- "Another Look at the National Study on Differential Response in Child Welfare" by Caren Kaplan and Lisa Merkel-Holguin
- "The Parent Support Outreach Program: Minnesota’s Early Intervention Track" by David Thompson, Gary L. Siegel, and L. Anthony Loman
- "Implementation of Differential Response in Ethnically Diverse Neighborhoods" by Amy Conley and Jill Duerr Berrick
- "Implementation of California’s Differential Response Model in Small Counties" by Sofya Bagdasaryan, Walter Furman, and Todd Franke
- "Outcomes for Children with Allegations of Neglect Who Receive Alternative Response and Traditional Investigations: Findings for NCANDS" by Mary Jo Ortiz, Gila R. Shusterman, and John D. Fluke
- "Development and Field Testing of a Family Assessment Scale for Use in Child Welfare Practice Settings Utilizing Differential Response" by Raymond S. Kirk
- "The Intersection Between Differential Response and Family Involvement Approaches" by Betty Christenson, Scott Curran, Kelli DeCook, Scott Maloney, and Lisa Merkel-Holguin
- "Six Principles of Partnership: Building and Sustaining System-Wide Change" by Daniel P. Comer and Deborah Vassar
The entire issue is available for free download on the American Humane website:
http://www.americanhumane.org/assets/pdfs/children/protecting-children-journal/pc-23-1-2.pdf (2,839 KB)