March 2010Vol. 11, No. 2Federal Tax Help for Caregivers
Congress has enacted several important changes in tax laws for the 2009 tax year, including an increase for claiming an adoption tax credit—up to $12,150. This and more information is available in a booklet from the National Foster Parent Association: Federal Tax Benefits for Foster, Adoptive Parents and Kinship Caregivers.
The 26-page booklet has chapters on topics such as deductions and credits, professional foster parents, special rules for legal guardians, and inquiries and disputes with the IRS. It lists tax law changes enacted for 2009, including the child tax credit decrease, mileage rates, and education credits. It defines a "special needs child" and qualifying expenses and stresses the need for documentation and recordkeeping.
The online version of the booklet has links to IRS forms and publications referred to within the chapters and on a page of resources. Interspersed throughout the pages are tips for foster and adoptive parents and relative caregivers.
Access the booklet on the National Foster Parent Association website: (944 KB)