November 2010Vol. 11, No. 9Kinship Toolkit for GAP Funding
The Fostering Connections Kinship Toolkit was designed to assist States considering applying for Guardian Assistance Program (GAP) funding. The toolkit was developed by the Resource Center's Kinship Network, which is led by the Children’s Defense Fund and Child Focus, and features tools to help assess any impact of the GAP, common myths and facts, as well as sample State legislation to help implement the program. Identification and notice tools, such as a sample letter for notice to relatives, also are included.
To view the toolkit, visit the Fostering Connections website:
Related Item
A new report from the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law presents an overview of how States are handling the waivers of foster care licensing standards, and it includes recommendations to help States make the best use of the new legislation. Relative Foster Care Licensing Waivers in the States: Policies and Possibilities provides background information on waivers, eligibility for title IV-E funds, and Fostering Connections licensing requirements.
Find the report on the CLASP website: