November 2010Vol. 11, No. 9Top Adoption-Friendly Workplaces
The Dave Thomas Foundation recently released its 2010 list of top adoption-friendly employers—that is, those that offer some of the best benefits for their employees who adopt. Benefits include financial reimbursement and paid leave. The list is based on the results of a survey that employers submit on their behalf.
The 2010 list includes many different kinds of corporations, specifically:
- Wendy's/Arby's Group, Inc.
- Citizens Financial Group, Inc./RBS Americas
- Liquidnet (tie)
- LSI Corporation (tie)
- Putnam Investments
- Vanguard Group
- Subaru of America, Inc.
- BHP Billiton
- The Timberland Company
- Barilla America, Inc.
The Dave Thomas Foundation also offers a toolkit for employers interested in establishing or enhancing adoption benefits for their employees. Visit the website for more information on the list of top adoption-friendly workplaces and the employer toolkit: