October 2012Vol. 13, No. 9Children's Bureau Centennial Update
As the centennial year celebration continues, so do the many events and activities honoring the Children's Bureau's 100th birthday. Recent additions to the Children's Bureau's centennial website include the following:
- The transcript and video from the July 17 topical webinar "Evidence Based Practice and Practice Based Evidence, Is It One or the Other?"
- The transcript and video from the August 16 historical webinar "The Story of the Children’s Bureau, America in Wartime: 1938–1960"
- The video from the September 26 topical webinar "Unannounced Home Visits—Critical Assessment Tool or Barrier to Family Engagement?"
These updates are available on the centennial website webinar page:
Visit the Children's Bureau's centennial website often for updates, historical photographs, video and audio recordings, and more!