March 2024Vol. 25, No. 2Findings and Resources From Children's Bureau Evaluations of Training and Technical Assistance
The Children's Bureau funded studies in both 2014 and 2020 to assess the effectiveness of the services provided by the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative. Information from these studies has been compiled into a collection, Findings and Resources From CB Evaluations of Training and Technical Assistance. These documents encompass detailed findings, an overview of the studies, and insights into measuring organizational capacity.
The evaluation delves into the core aspects of the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative (Collaborative), shedding light on its impact and effectiveness in supporting child welfare services. The Collaborative is a partnership of three Capacity Building Centers (the Centers): the Center for Courts, the Center for States, and the Center for Tribes. These Centers offer training and technical assistance to state and tribal child welfare agencies and court improvement programs. By offering a thorough examination of the Collaborative's services, the resources provide insights into its strengths and areas for improvement.
Highlights from the resource collection include the following:
- Building Capacity in Child Welfare: Findings From a Five-Year Evaluation of the Capacity Building Collaborative - Report
- How Can Organizational Capacity Be Measured?
- How Do We Build Organizational Capacity in Child Welfare?
- Incorporating Lived Experience Into Child Welfare Capacity Building
In addition to presenting findings, the resources cover organizational capacity and how to measure it effectively. This is crucial for organizations aiming to bolster their capabilities in delivering quality child welfare services. The resources can equip child welfare professionals, agencies, and policymakers with the knowledge they need to assess and enhance organizational capacity within the context of child welfare.
Child welfare professionals, policymakers, and organizations involved in child welfare services are encouraged to explore this resource collection to glean valuable insights, informed by evidence-based evaluations, as they work to build organizational capacity to improve child and family well-being.