October 2021Vol. 22, No. 9Spotlight on National Substance Abuse Prevention Month
This issue of CBX spotlights the effects substance use, particularly opioid use, can have on the well-being of families involved with child welfare. We also feature a message from Associate Commissioner Aysha E. Schomburg about the long-term effects natural disasters can have on the lives of children and the importance of making sure we are meeting their needs even after the storm passes. This issue also includes valuable resources for professionals and the families they serve.
Issue Spotlight
- The Intersection of Opioid Use and Child and Family Welfare
The Intersection of Opioid Use and Child and Family Welfare
The National Council on Family Relations published a brief that explores the intersection of opioid use and child and family welfare in three states: Indiana, Massachusetts, and North Carolina. While these states face different needs, all are dealing with the changing landscape of the intersection of the opioid epidemic and child welfare. States can look at these case studies to see how they can apply to their own unique situation instead of relying only on national level statistics and trends. The brief also covers relevant legislation these states have passed to stop the epidemic and enact potential policy responses.
Indiana had a 271 percent increase in opioid related overdose deaths between 2010 and 2016. In 2017, its percentage of prenatally exposed infants exceeded the national average by 4 percentage points. Furthermore, more than half of all child removals in the state in 2017 were linked to parental substance use—again, far higher than the national average (35 percent). In response, Indiana passed legislation to limit opioid prescriptions and make opioid specific treatment options more accessible.
In 2017, Massachusetts had an opioid related overdose death rate that was nearly twice the national average. From 2014 to 2018, the percentage of families investigated for potential maltreatment was also consistently higher than the national average. In 2016 and 2018, the state passed two proactive prevention focused bills to address the issue.
North Carolina experienced a 70 percent increase in opioid related overdose deaths between 2015 and 2017, and prenatal opioid exposure increased over 20 fold between 2000 and 2013. In 2017, the state had a higher percentage of children involved with child welfare than the national average. The state overhauled its child welfare system and passed multiple pieces of legislation to reduce the supply of opioids and increase public awareness and prevention efforts.
The brief provides the following suggestions for future policy changes:
- Invest in a two generational approach to substance use disorder prevention and treatment.
- Optimize early detection and treatment of substance use disorders during pregnancy.
- Expand access to medication assisted treatments.
Read the full brief, Juggling Child Protection and the Opioid Epidemic: Lessons From Family Impact Seminars, for details about the policy implications and more information on the state case studies. - Providing Substance Use Disorder Treatment to Families in Rural Communities
Providing Substance Use Disorder Treatment to Families in Rural Communities
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published a brief that identifies, summarizes, and provides possible solutions for key challenges rural communities face in regards to the intersection of parental substance use and child welfare. The research team conducted a literature review, interviewed subject-matter experts (SMEs) from relevant fields, and reviewed relevant gray literature and articles recommended by SMEs and ASPE staff.
Rural communities have a significantly higher per capita opioid overdose rate than urban areas as well as higher rates of methamphetamine use. Rural communities also have less capacity to treat substance use disorders, and treatment is further complicated by the increased rate of polysubstance use. Rates of poverty and unemployment are widespread in many rural areas, which increases the risk for both substance use and child maltreatment and further exacerbates the complexity and issues in providing successful treatment.
This brief highlights the differences between rural and urban areas, key issues communities face, and potential strategies agencies can employ to improve their services to parents and families affected by substance use disorders. Some of the challenges included the following:
- Limited resources to provide services, including fewer peer-recovery support and family-centered programs, workforce and provider shortages, and a lack of wraparound services
- Limited insurance access and coverage of services
- Rural economics, transportation, and technology limits
- Difficulties with collaboration and information sharing due to informal practices
- Stigma and misinformation compounding problems and willingness to access services
The brief emphasizes the need for better access to services and provides the following potential solutions to offset the barriers rural communities face:
- Increase the local service array to include more family-centered and in-patient treatment options.
- Invest in workforce training and hiring to enhance existing services, including salary adjustments and student loan waivers.
- Colocate services to alleviate transportation barriers and increase collaboration.
- Implement family drug treatment courts to promote collaboration and improve family outcomes.
- Provide guidance and training on how to share information across service providers.
- Leverage flexible funding to increase parental access to treatment services.
A forthcoming brief will feature promising models for addressing the needs of parents with substance use issues who are engaged in the child welfare system and live in rural communities.
To learn more, read Challenges in Providing Substance Use Disorder Treatment to Child Welfare Clients in Rural Communities.
- The Invisible Injury: When the Hurricane Comes and Stays
The Invisible Injury: When the Hurricane Comes and Stays
Written by Associate Commissioner Aysha E. Schomburg
I can't stop thinking about the children whose lives have been upended by Hurricane Ida. As I write this, I know that there are children in many parts of this country who should be getting ready for school tomorrow, but instead they are trying to figure out when or even if they will return to school. They may even be trying to figure out where they will sleep or where their family will live in the coming days. If they are in a shelter, they may wonder if that shelter will be safe for them and provide them with the resources they need. I can't stop thinking about the trauma their small brains are experiencing and whether they-or the adults around them-are even aware of it. The child victims of Ida are not unlike the child victims of Hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, or Maria. They are not unlike the child victims of the wildfires that have devastated the western states of this nation.
According to the 2015 National Report Card on Protecting Children in Disasters, after Katrina, more than 300,000 children were forced to enroll in new schools around the country. By some accounts, settling in new schools wasn't safe for evacuees; they were treated as outsiders and accused of soaking up resources that were designated for resident families. Superstorm Sandy ripped through the northeast and left children homeless or without heat and power. Many schools were practically destroyed, and students were required to squeeze into otherwise already overcrowded schools. According to one study regarding youth in Puerto Rico, 32 percent of youth experienced shortages of food and water in the aftermath of Maria. Natural disasters have left children without homes, without schools, without power, and without enough food and water. To make matters worse, I've read recently that long-term exposure to smoke from the wildfires is especially damaging to a child's lungs. That same article pointed out that "it matters whether your family can afford an air purifier." Recovery economics is an issue.
I'm worried about the children who survive the disaster but can't defeat the posttraumatic stress. Not surprisingly, those most impacted are children in underserved communities-Black and Brown children living in poverty with insecure housing. We rush to provide them with basic necessities during the first few weeks, then the news cycle moves on. I still wonder if they truly have access to all that they need. For so many children, after the temporary wind and the rain, what remains is the permanent tornado within. There is stifling trauma that suffocates their ability to succeed. When the water dries and debris removed from the streets, are we tending to the wounds left behind that only they can feel? Are we acutely aware of the lingering invisible injury? Are we fully invested in disaster recovery when the hurricane comes and stays? I'm not sure we are doing enough.
- Opioid Overdose Events and Child Maltreatment Indicators
Opioid Overdose Events and Child Maltreatment Indicators
A 2020 article in Children and Youth Services Review explores the potential correlation between opioid overdose events and child maltreatment. The authors posited that conducting research that encompasses broader aspects of the opioid epidemic and child maltreatment can lead to a better understanding of the link between the two and better inform policy and practice decisions that improve child outcomes. Opioid overdose mortality rates have increased nearly six times since 1999, and there have also been significant increases in the number of children born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) and the percentage of home removals attributed to parental drug use. Many researchers have prioritized better understanding the specific impact of the opioid crisis on the child welfare system.
This study examined the link between county-level opioid overdose event rates and child maltreatment indicators (e.g., intake, substantiation, placement rates). The study also included additional county-level variables and characteristics. Data were obtained from 39 Washington state counties from 2005 through 2017 to model predictors of child protective services (CPS) outcomes over time.
The study did not identify any significant trends for CPS indicators as counties experienced increased opioid overdose events, which contrasts with previous findings of positive relationships between the epidemic and NAS. The data revealed the relationship to be more complex and requires the incorporation of macro-level contextual factors to better understand the link.
To learn more, read "Opioid Overdose Events and Child Maltreatment Indicators: Differential County-Level Associations."
- How Opioid Use Affects Child Well-Being
How Opioid Use Affects Child Well-Being
Understanding the relationship between the opioid epidemic and child welfare --particularly how children are indirectly affected by the increase in opioid misuse—continues to be a priority. An article published in Contemporary Economic Policy found that increases in opioid related mortality and emergency department visits were associated with increased foster care entry, but there was no significant relationship between legal opioid distribution quantities and home removals. The article, "What About the Children? How Opioid Use Affects Child Well Being," explores the relationships between opioid use and child well being and between opioid related public policies and child welfare outcomes.
Results of the study show that there is a strong need for policies that mitigate the harmful—and sometimes indirect—effects the opioid epidemic has on children. It also notes that policies should focus less on reducing the amount of legal opioids available and instead focus on improving how we can predict prescription abuse risk and reduce illicit opioid use. Findings also suggest that reducing the impact of the opioid epidemic on children can lead to a substantial amount of public savings.
To learn more, read "What About the Children? How Opioid Use Affects Child Well Being."
Recent Issues
News From the Children's Bureau
In this section, find the latest news, resources, and publications from the Administration for Children and Families, the Children's Bureau, and other offices within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as well as a brief listing of the latest additions to the Children's Bureau website.
- CB Website Updates
CB Website Updates
The Children's Bureau website hosts information on child welfare programs, funding, monitoring, training and technical assistance, laws, statistics, research, federal reporting, and much more.
Recent additions to the site include the following:
- Renewed Form for Title IV-E Programs Quarterly Financial Report: PI-21-08
- Definition of "Short-Term Support" Under the Temporary Pandemic Flexibilities of Division X for Title IV-E Agencies Participating in the Title IV-E Kinship Navigator Program: PI-21-09
- Revised Technical Bulletin #1
- Child and Family Services Review Technical Bulletin #13
- Technical Bulletin #20 - Data Elements for Out-of-Home Care and Adoption and Guardianship Assistance Data Files
- National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD): Overview, Reflections & CCWIS Opportunities
Visit the Children's Bureau website often to see what's new. - Promising Practices for Strengthening Families Affected by Parental Incarceration
Promising Practices for Strengthening Families Affected by Parental Incarceration
Over 5 million children in the United States have parents who are jailed or incarcerated, and a disproportionate number of these children are Black or Latino. Parental incarceration has a profound effect on family well-being and is a key risk factor for poor outcomes for children, which can lead to involvement with the child welfare system. A literature review from the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services presents studies about family-strengthening programs that seek to maintain relationships between children and their incarcerated parents.
The review aimed to answer the following research questions:
- What areas should family-strengthening programs explicitly address in their models?
- What programs and practices are currently being used to strengthen families involved with the justice system?
- What does the research and evidence indicate about programs that aim to strengthen families involved with the justice system?
With guidance from ACF, the researchers identified six key focus areas based on their review of the literature. These include engaging caregivers who are not incarcerated, such as the remaining parent and grandparents; considering the children's ages in program design; considering the incarcerated parent's gender and role within the family; engaging cross-system collaboration; implementing strategies that engage both the incarcerated parent and their family; and ensuring the family is financially stable.The study found that it is important for family-strengthening programs to address the six key focus areas in their program design and implementation. Of the 59 programs reviewed, most implemented strategies to engage parents involved with the criminal justice system and considered a parent's gender and role. However, there were fewer programs that considered children's ages in the program design and engaged nonincarcerated caregivers and even fewer that promoted families' financial stability or engaged in cross-system collaboration as part of the program model.To learn more about the importance of family-strengthening programs for families dealing with parental incarceration, read Promising Practices for Strengthening Families Affected by Parental Incarceration: A Review of the Literature.
Training and Technical Assistance Update
This section features resources and updates from the Children's Bureau's technical assistance partners to support practices and systems that improve the lives of children and families.
- Updates From the Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance Partners
Updates From the Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance Partners
The Children's Bureau funds several technical assistance centers to provide professionals with tools to better serve children, youth, and families.
The following are some of the latest resources from these partners:- Child Welfare Information Gateway
Visit the Child Welfare Information Gateway website for more.
- FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention
Visit the FRIENDS National Resource Center website for more.
- Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative (CBC)
- CBC for States
- CBC for Tribes
- CBC for Courts
- Court Improvement Program Resource Library [Free registration required]
- CBC for States
Visit the CBC website for more.
- Children's Bureau Learning & Coordination Center (CBLCC)
Visit the CBLCC website for more.
- AdoptUSKids
Visit the AdoptUSKids website for more.
- National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)
Visit the NDACAN website for more.
- National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI)
Visit the NCWWI website for more.
- Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development (QIC-WD)
- "Creating a Workforce Analytics Team" [Video]
- "Supportive Supervision and Resilience Alliance to Address Secondary Trauma in Ohio: Preliminary Findings on Impact"
- "Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout and Resilience in the Child Welfare Workforce: Early Results From Nebraska's Randomized Controlled Trial of Resilience Alliance"
Visit the QIC-WD website for more.
- Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardian Support and Preservation (QIC- AG)
- "QIC-AG Virtual Tour" [Video]
Visit the QIC-AG website for more.
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Indian Child Welfare Act Primer for Child Welfare Professionals
Indian Child Welfare Act Primer for Child Welfare Professionals
Child Welfare Information Gateway released a factsheet that provides caseworkers with information about how to apply the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) to their practice. The factsheet, The Indian Child Welfare Act: A Primer for Child Welfare Professionals, includes a brief overview of the history of child welfare practice with tribes, including factors affecting tribal-state relations and federal legislation affecting child welfare practice with tribes. In addition, the factsheet provides a brief discussion of the practice implications of ICWA, such as determining whether ICWA is applicable to a child welfare case and what to do if a child is determined be American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN), transferring jurisdiction to the appropriate tribal authority, implementing active efforts to maintain or reunite a child with their family, removing a child from the home and terminating parental rights, and placing an AI/AN child in out-of-home care.
The factsheet also includes a list of cultural considerations to keep in mind when working with AI/AN families:
- AI/AN individuals and communities are affected by varying levels of trauma, including intergenerational trauma.
- AI/AN individuals can be found in all areas of the country.
- AI/AN ancestry cannot be determined by how a person looks or their family name.
- Each tribe has its own history, culture, and customs.
- Asking questions about cultural issues should be done respectfully.
- Consider that communication styles, the role of elders, etiquette, and other cultural components of tribes may differ from those of nontribal communities.
To learn more about how ICWA affects child welfare practice and to find a listing of additional resources, read The Indian Child Welfare Act: A Primer for Child Welfare Professionals.
Child Welfare Research
In this section, we highlight recent studies, literature reviews, and other research on child welfare topics.
- The Families Actively Improving Relationships Program Reduces Parental Substance Use
The Families Actively Improving Relationships Program Reduces Parental Substance Use
A study that examined the effectiveness of the Families Actively Improving Relationships (FAIR) program found that program participation resulted in significant reductions in parental opioid and methamphetamine use, mental health symptoms, and parenting risk.
The FAIR program was developed to address the needs of families with parental opioid and methamphetamine use who are involved in the child welfare system. FAIR is an intensive, community outpatient program that involves four major treatment components: substance use treatment, mental health treatment, parent management training, and resource building and services receipt.
A key component of the program is the FAIR store. Parents are awarded "FAIR bucks" for positive treatment gains, such as negative drug tests and the use of positive parenting strategies, that they can spend on items to support their individual and parenting goals. The donated store items range from clothing, games, and toiletries to passes for swimming lessons and scholarships for camps. FAIR bucks are awarded liberally to positively reinforce incremental gains.
The study recruited 99 parents. Of the 86 participants who engaged in services, 72 percent completed their treatment. The average length of treatment was 8.7 months, with a 24-month follow-up period. Outcomes showed statistically and clinically significant reductions in parental substance use, mental health symptoms, and parenting risk, as well as improvements in stability. Many participants maintained improvements in their substance use, mental health symptoms, and parenting risk throughout the follow-up period. The researchers concluded that there is a need for policies that support funding intensive, family-based programs.
For more information, read "Meeting the Needs of Families Involved in the Child Welfare System for Parental Substance Abuse: Outcomes From an Effectiveness Trial of the Families Actively Improving Relationships Program."
- How Concrete and Economic Supports Can Improve Child and Family Well-Being
How Concrete and Economic Supports Can Improve Child and Family Well-Being
Improving outcomes for children and families and preventing child maltreatment requires transformation across the entire human services system. A recent policy brief from Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago explores how various human services agencies can provide concrete and economic supports to ensure families have what they need to keep children safe and healthy.
According to the brief, economic need and disparity is the root cause of child maltreatment, particularly neglect, for many families. The brief outlines key steps to understanding the relationship between economic risk and well-being outcomes and increasing the use of economic and concrete supports. The following are the four areas for system transformation outlined in the brief, as well as their core strategies:
- Policy: Implement policies that stabilize rather than separate families, such as developing cross-agency integrated solutions or reframing the role of mandatory child maltreatment reporters from surveillance to support.
- Program: Expand programmatic capacity and create new pathways for families to access supports.
- Data: Analyze data to understand what drives service needs and develop an analytic framework that measures economic risk.
- People: Authentically engage families and youth with lived experience, as well as communities and provider organizations, in system transformation efforts.
For an indepth look at each of the four areas in which to leverage economic supports, see System Transformation to Support Child & Family Well-Being: The Central Role of Economic & Concrete Supports. In addition, Chapin Hall plans to publish a series of subsequent policy briefs exploring each of the four categories.
Strategies and Tools for Practice
This section of CBX offers publications, articles, reports, toolkits, and other resources that provide evidence-based strategies or other concrete help to child welfare and related professionals.
- California "Roadmap for Resilience" Provides Framework for Preventing ACEs and Toxic Stress
California "Roadmap for Resilience" Provides Framework for Preventing ACEs and Toxic Stress
The Office of the California Surgeon General published a report detailing how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress are threats to public health that can be mitigated. The report, Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General's Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health, provides a framework for a cross-sector response to these challenges.
The report is intended for a wide audience, including professionals, families, community organizations, researchers, and advocates. It proposes enhanced coordination in addressing ACEs and toxic stress from various human services sectors, including health care, public health, social services, early childhood, education, and justice. Children and youth involved with child welfare often have ACEs and deal with the stress and trauma related to those experiences. This report can help child welfare professionals understand how ACEs and toxic stress have affected the families they serve and provide ways they can take a collaborative approach to easing this strain on families' well-being and improving outcomes.
The roadmap outlined in the report is split into four parts:
- The science, scope, and impacts of ACEs and toxic stress
- The public health approach for cutting ACEs and toxic stress in half within a generation
- California's response to ACEs and toxic stress
- What lies ahead
While there is an intergenerational cycle of toxic stress and ACEs, the global experts who contributed to the report determined that toxic stress is treatable, requiring a coordinated, cross-sector approach that includes prevention, early detection, and evidence-based interventions. Interrupting and treating the toxic stress response may break this intergenerational cycle of stress and promote a new cycle of health.To read the full report, see Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General's Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health. - Online Tool Provides Practice Tips for Working With Adolescents At Risk of Substance Use
Online Tool Provides Practice Tips for Working With Adolescents At Risk of Substance Use
The National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW) developed a new technical assistance tool to provide information to child welfare professionals, substance use treatment providers, health-care professionals, and other child-serving community agencies about working with adolescents who are at risk of misusing or abusing substances.
The tool, Working With Adolescents: Practice Tips and Resource Guide, provides information on adolescent development, as well as tips and best practices professionals can utilize when working with at-risk youth. Topics discussed include the five Cs of positive youth development (competence, confidence, connections, character, and caring); the role of parents and caregivers in adolescent development; and the co-occurrence of trauma, abuse, neglect, and substance use in adolescents. Many children and youth involved with child welfare have experienced trauma, increasing their risk for substance use.
In addition to providing tips for practice, the guide links to additional resources for professionals on substance use prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery.
- Integrated Disaster Planning to Increase Preparedness
Integrated Disaster Planning to Increase Preparedness
Written by the Capacity Building Center for States
Integrating disaster planning into regular agency strategic planning, reporting, and continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts is critically important in helping ensure that agency services for children and families can continue during a disaster. While we don't know exactly when and where the next flood, fire, shooting, or health crisis will occur, integration ensures that disaster planning remains a visible agency priority and that sufficient resources and staff are allocated to allow agencies to advance their plans for achieving desired outcomes, even during a disaster.
Although disaster planning is already part of the Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) and Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR) process, in practice it often is not closely linked with other agency work. By better integrating disaster planning with other processes, such as strategic planning, reporting, and CQI tasks, agencies can do the following (Capacity Building Center for States, 2021):
- Align priorities between disaster planning and other strategic-planning, reporting, and CQI activities to ensure sufficient resource allocation and staffing
- Share information and data among teams to inform coordinated action
- Find connections between disaster planning and other processes to avoid work duplication
The following considerations can help agencies determine the best ways to align disaster planning with other agency processes.Align Goals and Priorities Among All Planning and Review ActivitiesBecause disasters aren't everyday occurrences, it can be easy to relegate disaster planning to the back burner and not fully think through the connections that disaster planning may have to other planning and review tasks. Disaster planning can be aligned with other tasks in several ways:- Members of a disaster-planning team (including youth and families) can also serve on other planning and review teams to facilitate communication (Capacity Building Center for States, 2018).
- Leads of various planning teams can review plans as a group to ensure that goals and priorities align.
- Disaster planning can be integrated into prevention plans by aligning the agency's disaster plan with those of community organizations (Capacity Building Center for States, 2021).
- A disaster-readiness assessment can be integrated into an agency's broader CQI process (Capacity Building Center for States, 2021).
Share Information and Data at All StagesTo implement an integrated approach to planning, review, and change-management processes, agency administrators and program leads must put in place a communication network that facilitates regular, timely data and information sharing among the various teams working on these initiatives.For example, the CFSPs, APSRs, and Child and Family Services Reviews all include an assessment of or update on the child welfare system's performance on child and family outcomes and systemic factors. These assessments are also useful for evaluating an agency's readiness to manage a disaster (e.g., assessing levels of youth and family engagement in agency disaster planning work). A weekly or biweekly check-in among data leads is one strategy that can help ensure that this information is regularly shared among teams.
Coordinate Improvement PlansChild welfare agencies develop plans for improvement in response to findings from performance assessments and CQI efforts. Using a coordinated approach to implementing improvement changes, team leads and agency leaders can work together to establish goals, objectives, interventions, and action steps for implementation that align across planning and improvement processes.For example, when working to improve their technology knowledge and access, agencies should also consider how this intersects with identified technology needs in the agency disaster plan (e.g., access to smartphones, laptops, tablets, quality broadband). Together, teams can outline measurement plans and identify performance indicators, measures, and benchmarks, as well as describe roles, responsibilities, and timeframes in establishing the joint plans for improvement across the agency.Once disaster planning is well integrated with other agency planning, review, and improvement processes, it can become a more regular and meaningful part of planning for the future well-being of children, youth, and families.The following Capacity Building Center for States resources can help your agency plan for a disaster and align disaster planning with other agency processes:ReferencesCapacity Building Center for States. (2018). Strategic planning in child welfare: Integrating efforts for systems improvement. https://capacity.childwelfare.gov/sites/default/files/media_pdf/integrating-systems-improvement-cp-00030.pdfCapacity Building Center for States. (2021). Coping with disasters and strengthening systems guide. https://capacity.childwelfare.gov/states/resources/coping-guide
This section of CBX presents interesting resources, such as websites, videos, journals, funding or scholarship opportunities, or other materials that can be used in the field or with families.
- Protecting Children Online: Tips for Caregivers
Protecting Children Online: Tips for Caregivers
A blog post from AdoptUSKids discusses why spending time on the internet can be a dangerous pastime for children, particularly those in foster care; the associated risks; and considerations and strategies for parents and caregivers to keep kids safe online.
Excessive online screen time, a problem compounded by COVID-19, can threaten personal safety; lead to deteriorating mental health, including feelings of social isolation, depression, and low self esteem; and open the door to unauthorized or unhealthy connections with their birth family and others.
The following tips are some of the ways parents can limit screen time and mitigate safety concerns:
- Focus on prevention. Begin conversations about appropriate internet usage when children are young, before they get online.
- Discuss "netiquette" with your child. Talk with them about what information is safe and not safe to share online and appropriate ways to communicate with trusted friends and adults.
- Model healthy relationships with technology. Establish agreed upon rules that apply to everyone such as no phones in private areas (e.g., bathrooms) and, if appropriate, include the child's birth family to encourage shared understanding.
- Use parental controls. A variety of tools exist that allow parents to monitor internet usage and content and track children's online activities and location. However, do not spy on your child; instead, involve them as partners in their online safety.
Finally, a collection of helpful resources, such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and its Netsmartz online safety education program, is provided for interested readers.To learn more, read the post, "Keeping Children You Foster and Adopt Safe Online." - Updated Guide to Understanding the Adoption Tax Credit
Updated Guide to Understanding the Adoption Tax Credit
The National Council for Adoption (NCFA) has provided an updated guide to understanding the adoption tax credit (ATC). The guide includes sections discussing the following:
- The legislative history of the ATC
- Eligibility criteria and restrictions
- How the tax credit works
- Internal Revenue Service guidelines regarding the official documentation needed for tax filing
- Advocacy efforts, particularly the ATC Refundability Act
- Frequently asked questions and additional resources
The resource also includes a real-life story of a family who adopted a child from China with special medical needs to highlight the financial challenges many families face and the difficulties that could be ameliorated with the passage of the ATC Refundability Act.For more information, download the issue of NCFA's Adoption Advocate newsletter dedicated to the updated ATC guide.
Training and Conferences
Find trainings, workshops, webinars, and other opportunities for professionals and families to learn about how to improve the lives of children and youth as well as a listing of upcoming events and conferences.
- Conferences
Upcoming conferences and events on child welfare and adoption include the following:
October- NSDTA 2021 Annual Education Conference [Virtual]
American Public Human Services Association and the National Staff Development and Training Association [NSDTA]
October 4-6, online
- A Call to Action to Change Child Welfare Conference [Virtual]
The Kempe Center
October 4-7, online
- SPARK 2021 [Virtual]
Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and Council on Accreditation
October 12-14, online
- 39th Annual Michigan Statewide Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect [Virtual]
Michigan Medicine Child Protection Team and the Child Abuse and Neglect Conference Planning Committee
October 18-19, online
- A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference [Virtual]
National Association of Social Workers [NASW] Illinois Chapter
October 21-22, online
- 2021 Families Learning Conference [Virtual]
National Center for Families Learning
October 25-27, online
- How We endUP: A Future Without Family Policing [Virtual]
upEND Movement
October 26-27, online
November- Texas Child Care Administrators Conference
Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services
November 8-10, Fort Worth, TX, and online
- JuST Conference
Shared Hope International
November 17-19, Washington, DC
December- "Indigenous Wisdom for Listening to Children and Families" [Webinar]
Brazelton Touchpoints Center
December 8, online, 3 p.m. ET
- NSDTA 2021 Annual Education Conference [Virtual]
- Family Treatment Court Practice Academy
Family Treatment Court Practice Academy
Children and Family Futures released a new 2021 FTC Practice Academy training series to support family treatment court (FTC), child welfare, substance use disorder treatment, and dependency court professionals, as well as other stakeholders, as they build their collaborative capacity to help families dealing with substance use.
The 2021 training series aims to help trainees learn how to implement best practices and improve equity outcomes, create action plans that show what works best for families dealing with substance use disorders, and share innovations and inspiration between FTCs.
The series comprises three standalone courses that include videos, team discussions, virtual live conversations between participants and subject-matter experts, Take Action tools to help trainees shape their own action plans, and resources to encourage and support additional discussion.
The following are the 2021 FTC courses:
- "Putting the Pieces Together: Harnessing the Power of Parenting Time to Strengthen the Parent-Child Relationship and Support Reunification Efforts in Your Family Treatment Court" This course discusses the importance of quality parenting time and how to objectively measure and track progress in strengthening the parent-child relationship to support the family and inform decisions about increasing parenting time and reunification.
- "Putting the Pieces Together: Disrupting Stigma to Support Meaningful Change for Families in Family Treatment Court" This course invites FTC teams and practitioners to consider how their thoughts, beliefs, and language about parenting and substance use disorders influence how they interact with families.
- "Putting the Pieces Together: Applying a Family-Centered, Problem-Solving Approach to Family Treatment Court Staffing and Court Hearings" This course discusses key components of a family-centered, behavior-focused, problem-solving approach in FTC precourt staffing and court hearings.
For more information and to participate in the courses, visit the FTC Practice Academy website.