July/August 2001Vol. 2, No. 4OJJDP Fact Sheet Highlights National Center on Child Fatality Review
In the United States, approximately 2,000 children die each year of child abuse and neglect. In an effort to bring offenders to justice and to prevent severe and fatal child abuse, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) established the National Center on Child Fatality Review (NCFR) in 1996. An April 2001 OJJDP fact sheet provides a current overview of NCFR's work.
Located in El Monte, California, the NCFR:
- Assists the field in the collection of full and accurate information about child fatalities.
- Operates a national clearinghouse, which collects and disseminates information to interested parties across the country.
- Operates an NCFR website that includes a directory of child fatality review contacts and extensive list of links to related sites.
- Maintains listserves (email groups).
- Maintains a national data system of information on homicide that is matched against infant data on fatal child abuse or neglect.
In addition, the NCFR has developed three training videos. Two are about death review teams as they discuss fictitious cases. The other video is a brief overview of the key elements of a systematic review of a child death.
NCFR also makes available a variety of written materials, including a manual on developing and managing child death review teams; a library of reports and other publications created by State and local teams from around the world; and a semiannual newsletter on various related topics.
Download the new OJJDP factsheet about the National Center on Child Fatality Review at: http://www.ncjrs.org/pdffiles1/ojjdp/fs200112.pdf
To request technical assistance/training or informational materials, contact:
National Center on Child Fatality Review
Deanne Tilton Durfee, Project Director
Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect
4024 North Durfee Ave.
El Monte, CA 91732
Phone: 626-455-4586
Email: dtilton@co.la.ca.us
Website: http://ican-ncfr.org