July/August 2001Vol. 2, No. 4The Role of Race, Culture, and National Origin in Adoption-Adoption and Ethics
Freundlich, M. Child Welfare League of America, Inc., Washington, DC. 2000. 164 pp. $18.95. Paperback.
There are many unresolved questions related to the role of race, culture, and national origin in adoption policy and practice. At the forefront of the adoption policy debate is the extent to which racial and cultural similarities and differences between adoptive children and parents should be taken into account. Current Federal law prohibits racial and cultural considerations in the adoption of children from the foster care system, yet arguments continue to be made, especially in relation to the Indian Child Welfare Act and the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption. The author address these issues, from the lack of consensus on definitions of 'race,' 'culture,' and 'national origin,' to differences of opinion on the 'best interests of the child.'
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Child Welfare League of America, Inc.
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